A Study on the Physical Education Thought of the Korean YMCA under the Japanese Imperialism 체육사학 : 일제하 한국YMCA의 체육사상에 관한 연구
44(3) 3-12, 2005
A Study on the Physical Education Thought of the Korean YMCA under the Japanese Imperialism 체육사학 : 일제하 한국YMCA의 체육사상에 관한 연구
This study attempted to investigate physical education thought of Korean YMCA under the Japanese imperialism with a focus on the physical education theory of those concerned with YMCA. The Korean YMCA had the holistic theory on man expounded by Gulick of the American YMCA, namely, the theory on man of viewing the human being as one unity of the body and the mind and spirit and the body-mind monistic physical view. Among other things, the holistic theory on man led to the national educational save-the-nation thought of strenuous efforts and developed into the drift of thought shaping social sports at the late old Korean Empire with such advanced new cultures as the Enlightenment thought, the theory of social-evolution strenuous efforts and the theory of military-valuing strenuous efforts.
Korean YMCA thought of physical education as the absolute condition for becoming a wealthy nation, the means for surviving the international community of intense struggle for survival and the means for remedying the shortcomings of Korean people, but also highlighted it in terms of sanitation and amusement. Especially, Korean YMCA's encouragement of national physical education was conducted in the situation of the specific times when the Korean peninsula was placed as a colonial country under Japanese imperialism at that time, which could be said to be the distinctive characteristics of physical education in Korean YMCA that could be found in YMCA in other countries.
On the one hand, Korean YMCA encouraged the martial arts and chivalry of Japan different from the conventional theory of physical education in the period of national annihilation, the period of colonial rule by the Japanese imperialism. And it required people to conduct 'the improvement of national physical fitness', 'radio gymnastics', 'national gymnastics' and the like, the militaristic physical education policy that Japan emphasized as part of strengthening the potential of war. Of course, the encouragement of militaristic physical education by the Korean YMCA was conducted by the Japanese high-handed colonial policy. But seen in terms of outcome, this encouragement of militaristic physical education left the historical blot that the Korean YMCA sympathized with the militaristic physical education policy advocated by Japan and performed a role as the window for implementing the Japanese policy.
Key Words
YMCA, thought of physical education
Public Sports Culture in the 18th-19th Century in Britain -Repression and Reform- 체육사학 : 18C-19C 영국에서의 스포츠문화 -억압과 개혁-
44(3) 13-23, 2005
Public Sports Culture in the 18th-19th Century in Britain -Repression and Reform- 체육사학 : 18C-19C 영국에서의 스포츠문화 -억압과 개혁-
In the Britain, the period from the last decade of the eighteenth century to roughly the mid-nineteenth century was one of the unprecedented change:the transition to industrial capitalism and the spread of the factory system, an associated expansion of trade and commerce, a rapid rate of urbanization, an explosion in population growth, the rise of the new class of industrial capitalists. They were ultimately caused by conflicting interests between the middle class emerging as a new ruling class in the industrial society and the aristocratic class that wanted to hold to the traditional life style.
The new emerging middle class tried to rebuild a life style to create a modern sense of values and universal living attitudes suitable for the factory-based machine industry, which was the ruling production mode in the modern industrial society, while the new middle class attempted to support traditional authority and life-style to cooperate with the common people who were anxious about uncertain future and the rapidly changing realities. In particular, community-based sports culture, which was formed in the agricultural society, was opposed to the modern society based on individualism; for this reason, the new rising middle class giving priority to living morality based on puritanical stoicism branded and despised the traditional festivals and sports culture as wasteful and unproductive. However, after the Industrial Revolution caused most of these conflicts and antagonism to come to an end, new public culture centered on cities came into being late in the nineteenth century.
In other words, the ruling class worried about dissolution of the hierarchy due to industrialization and urbanization in the eighteenth to and nineteenth centuries expected that it would be easier to stabilize society, protect property, and maintain social order by providing the people with refined and rational sports activities. In short, the encouragement of sports activities for the people was the key element of social control to maintain and protect the existing social system and vested rights.
Key Words
public sports culture, social control
Study on Keiko(稽古) and Kata(Form․型) of Oriental Martial Arts 체육철학 : 동양무예에 나타난 게이코(稽古)와 가타(型)에 관한 연구
강유원KangYu-Won , 김이수KimYi-Soo
44(3) 27-36, 2005
Study on Keiko(稽古) and Kata(Form․型) of Oriental Martial Arts 체육철학 : 동양무예에 나타난 게이코(稽古)와 가타(型)에 관한 연구
강유원KangYu-Won , 김이수KimYi-Soo
The purpose of the study is to find out the origins of Kata and Keiko of Oriental Martial Arts through the concept analysis method, and to explain their meanings and roles.
1. The entire practice to learn Kata is called Keiko. The two could be observed in the entire Oriental culture with their appearance in many Buddhist and Taoist scriptures, as well as in Confucian one.
2. Keiko and Kata refer to significant practice courses and methods that require so much time to learn. It is no exaggeration to say that the two account for the most of Oriental Martial Arts. Therefore, they are the history and philosophy containing the essence of each school of martial arts.
3. Kata is the contents of Keiko, and its forms and methods differ by event of martial arts. However, all the various events boil down to one basic fact that they pursue indirect learning of real experiences, told by Confucianism such as 'learning Chinese characters' or 'imitation'.
4. The meaning of Keiko observed in the scriptures of all three Oriental philosophies, I.e. Taoism, Confucianism and Buddhism, includes reviewing the old and learning the new(溫故知新) through the Trinity(三位一體). In other words, Keiko is the start of practical philosophy of learning new knowledge and further developing them by learning old teachings through the process of strengthening one's body by exercising martial arts, studying (Confucianism) and realizing Zen(禪․Taoism and Buddhism).
Key Words
oriental martial arts, keiko, form(Kata)
An Approach of Physical Education Philosophy on Yangming Thought 체육철학 : 양명사상의 체육철학적 접근
44(3) 37-46, 2005
An Approach of Physical Education Philosophy on Yangming Thought 체육철학 : 양명사상의 체육철학적 접근
This study tries to find out the value of physical education in Yangming philosophy. It researches the value of physical education by focusing on 「Hunmongdaeeuysikyodokubaeksongdung(訓蒙大意示敎讀劉佰松等)」and「Kyoyaek(敎約)」which was added to the book.
Yangming emphasized the cultivation of moral, mind and character through these three things : First, to read poems was to train the emotional and internal cultivation. Second, to learn and teach courtesy was to have good manners. Third, to read books was to develop the knowledge and intelligence. Also, he insisted that those three things should be cultivated simultaneously. That might be regarded as the harmonies of intelligence, virtue, and body, which are the cores of modern education.
Syupyae(習禮) is similar with modern physical education. He thought the courtesy should be learned not only by a brain but also by all body, then it could be seen in real life. These could be the activities to achieve the purpose of modern physical education - the change to ideal human being through body. Therefore Yangming thought could be viewed as the practical educational thoughts which are cultivated body and mind at the same time, so Yangminghak is Sinsimgihak(身心之學), which is different from Confucianism.
His thoughts have the similarity with the psychomotor domain the growth of body and the development of exercise behavior- in the analysis of modern physical education purposes. Especially they could be compared with the physical growth, the good posture, and the development of muscle endurance and muscle power in the purposes of physical education by C.A Bucher. So the value of physical education in Yangminhak is contemporary and previews many things.
In addition, Yangming's body exercises were horse riding, archery and he emphasized the teaching of good posture for teenagers, the blood circulation, and the development of muscle power in Syupyae(習禮).
Key Words
Yangming philosophy, physical education, mind and body
An Examination of the Significance of Husserl's Phenomenology for Sports Philosophy and the Relationship between Phenomenology and Physical Activity Experiences 체육철학 : 후설의 생활세계 현상학의 심신일원론적 함축과 체육활동 경험과의 연관성에 대한 탐구
44(3) 47-56, 2005
An Examination of the Significance of Husserl's Phenomenology for Sports Philosophy and the Relationship between Phenomenology and Physical Activity Experiences 체육철학 : 후설의 생활세계 현상학의 심신일원론적 함축과 체육활동 경험과의 연관성에 대한 탐구
This paper examines the relationship between Phenomenology and sports philosophy. There have been discussions on sports philosophy from a phenomenological perspective, but few studies have closely examined how the main themes of sport philosophy are related to those of Phenomenology. This paper provides a basic understanding of Phenomenology. Then, it discusses how Husserl's Phenomenology founded on transcendental subjectivity is linked to the main concepts of sports philosophy through physical activities and mind-body monism. This is a meaningful and initial attempt to promote further studies on the relationship between Phenomenology and sports philosophy.
Key Words
Husserl's phenomenology, sports philosophy
Toward a Definition of the concept Taekwondo 체육철학 : 태권도 개념의 정의에 관한 연구
송형석SongHyeong-Seok , 이규형LeeKyu-Hyung
44(3) 57-67, 2005
Toward a Definition of the concept Taekwondo 체육철학 : 태권도 개념의 정의에 관한 연구
송형석SongHyeong-Seok , 이규형LeeKyu-Hyung
What I propose to do here is to assemble some reminders for a particular purpose. The reminders concern the nature and limitations of definition in general and definition of 'Taekwondo' in particular. I shall discuss the following content. The concept Taekwondo is ordinarily employed in a wide variety of ways, i.e. has a wide variety of usages, or meanings. Especially the currently concept Taekwondo is used in mixed way of descriptive and normative meaning. The meaning of the descriptive concept is so wide that it can't distinguish between the concept Taekwondo and the concept of another martial arts forms. Therefore I propose to define the descriptive meaning of the concept Taekwondo as following: Taekwondo is a Korean weaponless martial art which doesn't permit a holding of own's opponent and is a combat between two apart players, chiefly with the kicking-technique. The normative meaning of the concept Taekwondo is the way of bodily movement technique, the way of human being, and the way of self-realization through the physical training. The finding of the way of bodily movement technique is a main subject of kinesiology. The way of human being has been defined by ethics. The way of self-realization through the physical training is a main task of the physical education. Therefore the normative meaning of concept Taekwondo can consist of kinesiology, ethics, and pedagogy.
Key Words
concept, definition, taekwondo
Socio-Philosophical Issues of Modern Olympic Games through Globalization Process 체육철학 : 세계화 과정에서의 근대올림픽의 사회철학적 과제
44(3) 69-77, 2005
Socio-Philosophical Issues of Modern Olympic Games through Globalization Process 체육철학 : 세계화 과정에서의 근대올림픽의 사회철학적 과제
Globalization is one of the most meaningful and controversial issues in contemporary society. Enormous impact of globalization on contemporary society is about to change and develop the entire structures of world. Under this circumstance, it is important to understand modern Olympic games as social asset to minimize political and economical struggling in globalized society. Globalization could be definined as internationalization, liberalization, universalization, westernization, and deterritorialization. Also, modern Olympic games could be considered as economical, political, and cultural phenomena in contemporary society. However, despite of various positive aspects of modern Olympic games, the games have been challenged by numerous social issues, for instance, terrorism, dopping, commercialism, corruption. Modern Olympic games should overcome these critical issues for accomplishing meaningful philosophical value of the games in contemporary society. According to this process, modern Olympic games could fulfill the pure spirits of ancient Olympic games in 21st century. At the same time, 2008 Beijing Olympic games would contribute to bring the globalized society. Consequently, modern Olympic games could integrate globalized countries which are characterized by various cultural, historical, social, and political backgrounds.
Key Words
modern Olympic games, globalization, socio-philosophical issue
Expressionist Dance in Germany and Post Modern Dance in the US 체육철학 : 독일 표현주의 무용과 미국 후기 현대무용의 표현정신
44(3) 79-88, 2005
Expressionist Dance in Germany and Post Modern Dance in the US 체육철학 : 독일 표현주의 무용과 미국 후기 현대무용의 표현정신
The purpose of this study is to examine the foundation on which German expressionist dance had been formed a cultural movement. It also aims to identify the relationship between expressionist dance mainly focusing on describing one's inner self and post-modern dance in the US, which has allowed classical dance to develop as a part pop culture by demolishing artistic barriers.
What expressionist dance has in common with post-modern dance is that they both place emphasis on the human body. Both view the human body as a tool, and in both the human body is used realistically and not exaggerated. Neither plot nor gestures are the main media used to convey emotions or feelings. Expressionists put priority on the alignment between body movements on stage and our gestures in life. Without any special techniques, they seek to express inner feelings and thoughts to the audience through body gestures. For instance, in the works of Yvonne Rainier, an American choreographer, the smooth and consistent description of weight seems to be the fundamental heritage of expressionism, but her dance is more unique and tries to directly involve the audience's interests. In addition, Merce Cunningham, one of the founders of American modern dance, has tried to integrate what's typical of expressionism with the atmosphere of something anarchical in his works, and to outwardly express what's happening inside the mind. He has largely adopted the choreography of expressionists but his major concern was not on choreography itself but the expression of basic body movements.
Clearly, although these two dancing trends emerged against different cultural backgrounds, German expressionists have influenced the American post-modern dance, and continue to influence cultural movements. Therefore, in the contemporary art world where people believe nothing is new, the pursuit of genuine beauty through our bodies should be emphasized rather than focusing on debates on the specific division of genres such as expressionism, modern dance or post-modern dance.
Key Words
expressionist dance, post modern dance
The Sport Philosophical Understanding of Nietzsche's Thought 체육철학 : 니체 사상에 대한 체육 철학적 이해
44(3) 89-99, 2005
The Sport Philosophical Understanding of Nietzsche's Thought 체육철학 : 니체 사상에 대한 체육 철학적 이해
Nietzsche wrote consistently on several recurring themes. All of these can be traced to the apocalypse of the death of God, and the structure of values created by man to fill the resulting void. In modern post-Enlightenment culture Nietzsche saw the death of God and the loss of all values.
Nietzsche postulated the existence of 'will to power', which he found in all kinds of human behaviour and values. He proclaimed this as man's basic motivational force. A man who has this power will be self possessed and fear no man, nor even death.
The man's power is described as the 'overman'; able to define and create himself in the world without God. The overman describes himself in his own terms and does not allow others to determine his being by their descriptions of him. He creates himself by the creation of his own values, and creates his own reality in the process. The mark of the overman is that his creation is so strong that others will take his reality as their own.
Examples are easily found in sport, individuals who have created their own reality and transcended the sport, redefined the sport in their own terms, in such a way that their reality becomes the reality for others. In this sense, Nietzsche held art to be the true mode of human expression and knowledge, and not science with its reason and reductions.
The concepts of the will to power and the overman were examples of how we might retain some cultural values. Motivated by the will to power the overman could rise from the desolation of modernity and the mob to champion humanity.
Key Words
Nietzsche, overman, will to power, sport, humanity.
A Study on the Life Physical Education for Embodiment of its Significance. 체육철학 : 생활체육의 의미구현을 위한 연구
44(3) 101-110, 2005
A Study on the Life Physical Education for Embodiment of its Significance. 체육철학 : 생활체육의 의미구현을 위한 연구
This study is to examine the life physical education by linking to the social physical education and as a result of the study to enlighten the significance of the life physical education in the future, the following conclusions can be obtained:
The concept of the life physical education is naturally come from the basis of historical and social environment of the social physical education. The study is also intensively focused on the concept that the life physical education is mainly with the individual and it is started from individual when it comes to say that the main body of the social physical education is a nation or society.
The phenomenal constitution-theory of Husserl supports that the self confirms the self-ego identity with the fundamental to establish the reciprocal subjectivity. The body can be understood to have positioned as the middle thing between the
self and living environment.
In the comparative study getting at three realms of the existing title of the social physical education, 'Sport for All', it can be found the life physical education could be a concept that can spread out to the people all over the world attracting to the participation from the self meaning myself.
Therefore, it should be appraised and appreciated in a new concept that the life physical education is capable of accomplishing self-actualization in different forms for the self each other while having ideal meaning that can spread out the fundamental along with activation of the physical education.
Key Words
life physical education
The SEM Analysis of Reenrollment Intention of the Consumer in Commercial Sport Facilities 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠시설 이용고객의 소비행동 구조모델 분석
44(3) 113-127, 2005
The SEM Analysis of Reenrollment Intention of the Consumer in Commercial Sport Facilities 스포츠사회학 : 상업스포츠시설 이용고객의 소비행동 구조모델 분석
This study was to analysis structural equation modeling of reenrollment intention of the consumer in commercial sport facilities. Specifically, this study was to compare the difference of service quality, service value, consumer satisfaction and reenrollment intention according to social demographic characteristics, and test an casual relation between service quality, service value, consumer satisfaction, and reenrollment intention in commercial sport facilities.
To attain the goal of the study described above paragraphs, the members of commercial sports center located in Seoul, 2004 year were set as a collected group. Then, using the cluster random sampling method, finally drew out and analyzed 155 people in total. The material collection device was the brochure named . The validity of scales were confirmed as factor loading; over α=.815. The result of reliability check up was here below; Chronbach' α=.627~.828. To analyze materials, reliability analysis, independent-sample t test, oneway ANOVA, correlation analysis, SEM were used as statistic analysis techniques.
The conclusion based on above study method and the result of material analysis are here below. First, social demographic characteristics influences on service quality, service value, satisfaction, and reenrollment intention. Second, the service quality influences on service value. The more service quality, the more service value. Third, service quality influences on consumer satisfaction. The better service quality, the better consumer satisfaction. Fourth, service value don't influences on reenrollment intention. Fifth, service value influences on consumer satisfaction. The better service value, the better consumer satisfaction. Sixth, consumer satisfaction influences on reenrollment intention. The better consumer satisfaction, the better reenrollment intention.
Key Words
sevice quality, service value, consumer satisfaction, reenrollment intention.
The Relationship between Participation Motivation and Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment in Red Devils 스포츠사회학 : 붉은악마 조직구성원의 참여동기와 조직풍토 및 조직몰입의 관계
44(3) 129-141, 2005
The Relationship between Participation Motivation and Organizational Climate, Organizational Commitment in Red Devils 스포츠사회학 : 붉은악마 조직구성원의 참여동기와 조직풍토 및 조직몰입의 관계
This study focuses on clarifying of the relation of participation motivation, organizational climate and commitment
recognized by members of the Red Devil. Total 418 persons(239 males, 125 females) were chosen as final data after
extracting sample using convenience sampling method, after selecting population constituted of the Red Devil members
from online and offline currently at 2004. As a result of analysis by executing correlation analysis and multiple regression
analysis with data collected through self-administrated method, these are the results:
First, there is partial difference to participation motivation, organizational climate, and organizational commitment
according to Sociodemographic Characteristics of the Red Devils. First, men have higher participation motivation than
women, and the group with noexperience of sports, younger age, and lower level of education also has higher
participation motivation. And women have higher organizational climate than men, and the group with sports experience,
older age, and higher level of education also has higher organizational climate. Also, men have higher organization
commitment than women, and group with less sport experience, younger age, and lower level of education also has higher
organization commitment.
Second, participation motivation influences organizational climate. In other words, mental health orientation and social
relation orientation influence locus and control, intimacy, and achievement orientation and mental health orientation
influence efficiency.
Third, participation motivation influences organizational commitment. In other words, achievement, mental health, social
relation orientation influence pride; mental health orientation and social relation orientation influence responsibility, and
achievement and social relation orientation influence sense of duty.
Fourth, organizational climate influences organizational commitment. In other words, locus and control, efficacy, intimacy
influence self-esteem, and locus and control, atmosphere, intimacy influence responsibility.
Key Words
red devils, participation motivation, organizational climate, organizational commitment
An Analysis of Participation and Commitment to Taekwondo of Female Students in Academic High Schools 스포츠사회학 : 인문계 여고생의 태권도 참가와 전념 분석
44(3) 143-156, 2005
An Analysis of Participation and Commitment to Taekwondo of Female Students in Academic High Schools 스포츠사회학 : 인문계 여고생의 태권도 참가와 전념 분석
This article purported to analyze some factors about explaining the reason of participation and commitment into Taekwondo practice of female high school students. We adapted a Sport Commitment Model(SCM) to explain the mechanism and reason of girls' commitment to Taekwondo. The data were collected via non-participant observation and in-depth interviews with a sample of female high school students who have been practiced Taekwondo since elementary school. The findings indicated that their participation and commitment into Taekwondo were able to be shown "obligation" rather than "voluntariness". Along with this result, another factor that affects continuance of practice was social support by their mother and siblings. These social supports sometimes changed and loaded to participants in this study as 'social constraint' in many cases. With regard to these facts about commitment and continuance of practice in Taekwondo, we may realize that participation and continuance of some sporting activities can be interpreted and understood like that: 'They can continue their activities not only voluntary but obligatory.' With these results, I suggested that we should not gaze at other's any activities as a preferred ones in sport field.
Key Words
commitment, Taekwondo, female high school students, sport enjoyment
The different leisure satisfaction depending on the background variance of the company grade officers who went through the physical education at the Korea Military Academy 스포츠사회학 : 육군사관학교 시절 체육교육을 받은 위관장교의 배경변인에 따른 여가만족도 차이
44(3) 157-166, 2005
The different leisure satisfaction depending on the background variance of the company grade officers who went through the physical education at the Korea Military Academy 스포츠사회학 : 육군사관학교 시절 체육교육을 받은 위관장교의 배경변인에 따른 여가만족도 차이
The purpose of this study is to provide the primary data for the establishment of policies and guidelines in physical education of cadets through a thorough research on the perception of the current education system on the part of the cadets, so that we may establish a better system of physical education to meet the demands of the cadets. To meet the research ends, 49th to 58th graduates of the Korea Military Academy were chosen as the sample data, and 350 were chosen by Proportional Stratified Cluster Random Sampling M ethod, of which only 225 where finally adopted as data specimen because some were found to be reliable. The survey data were placed under reliability analysis and frequency analysis, and in order to analyze the characteristics of dependent variables according to their independent variables One-way ANOVA was conducted for the results that follow.
First, according to the analysis on the different leisure satisfaction depending on the background variance of the company grade officers who went through the physical education at the Korea Military Academy , most have deemed it quite positively (M=4.00) and displayed a statistically significant difference in self-esteem depending on sex, in developing friendliness, learning athletics, "self-acknowledgement," combat training, and other physical activities depending on specialties and categories in cadet days, in developing sociality and leadership depending on specialties.
Second, according to the study, the value and utility of physical education has transferred in military life, so importance and necessity about the physical education must become more a strong factor in military academy that is named a specific academy.
Thus, physical education of military academy must strengthen reinforcement through more substantiality and furthermore a secondary target that is sociality cultivation must surpass a first target of physical education that is exercise skill elevation and exercise teaching method
Key Words
leisure satisfaction, physical education, military life
The Influence of Participation in Leisure Activities of Older Adults on Cognitive Process of Social-Psychological Traits for Successful Aging 스포츠사회학 : 노인의 여가활동 참가가 성공적 노화를 위한 사회심리적 인지메커니즘에 미치는 영향
44(3) 167-183, 2005
The Influence of Participation in Leisure Activities of Older Adults on Cognitive Process of Social-Psychological Traits for Successful Aging 스포츠사회학 : 노인의 여가활동 참가가 성공적 노화를 위한 사회심리적 인지메커니즘에 미치는 영향
This study aims at investigating the influence of participation in leisure activities of older adults on cognitive process of social-psychological traits for Successful aging. Specifically, it aims to examine: First, the influence of leisure activities participation on social-psychological traits(human alienation, psychological-wellbeing, self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy, happiness, satisfaction with life) for Successful aging. Second, the analysis of influence for the participation in leisure activities of older adults on cognitive process of social-psychological traits for Successful aging.
This study were used quantity and quality research method. The subjects of this study was selected by stratified cluster random sampling method from the participants in leisure activities in Seoul area. They were above 65 year old. The using 392 data for approach quantity method and 8 data for quality method. The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data are descriptive statistics, oneway-ANOVA, Post-hoc test and multiple regression analysis. Another methods utilized case record analysis and inductive categorical system.
From the analyses of the data, this study reaches the following conclusions:
Firstly, degree of leisure activities participation positively influence on social-psychological traits(human alienation, psychological-wellbeing, self-concept, self-esteem, self-efficacy, happiness, satisfaction with life) for Successful aging.
Secondly, to become visible analysis result for influence to the participation in leisure activities of older adults on cognitive process of social-psychologica(human alienation, psychological-wellbeing, self-esteem, self-efficacy, satisfaction with life)l traits for Successful aging, there were step in the cognitive process of social-psychological traits of life fixed direction, life formation and lifelization.
A Study on the Relationships of Stress and Perceived Well-being According to Exercise 스포츠사회학 : 운동 여부에 따른 스트레스와 Well-being지각의 관계 연구
조현익ChoHyun-Ik․Kim , 김용준Yong-Jun․So , 소영호Young-Ho
44(3) 185-196, 2005
A Study on the Relationships of Stress and Perceived Well-being According to Exercise 스포츠사회학 : 운동 여부에 따른 스트레스와 Well-being지각의 관계 연구
조현익ChoHyun-Ik․Kim , 김용준Yong-Jun․So , 소영호Young-Ho
This study aims to examine the relationships between sub-factors of stress response level and perceived well-being according to the participation of sports activities. Total of 921 suspects that including 613 sports activity participants, 308 non-participantsare collected. and Responded on guestionaires.
The statistical data analyses such as factor analysis and Cronbach's test to check validity and reliability in turn Frequency analysis and descriptive analysis to find out individual characteristics. In addition, t-test, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis are used to hypothesis testing.SPSSWIN Ver 12.0 is used and all the statistical significance level is set to α=.05.
As a result, the conclusions of the study are summarized as followings.
First, sports activity participants show lower level than sports non-participants to all the stress sub-factors such as fatigue, aggression, anger, socialization, depression, frustration, and tension.
Second, sports activity participants shows higher perceived well-being than non-participants.
Third,sports activity participants decrease the perceived well-being with stresses from sub-factors such as fatigue, depression, frustration, and tension are higher. It tells that a counter measure is necessary for this case.
Fourth, non-participants decrease the perceived well-being with stresses from sub-factors such as fatigue, depression, and tension are higher.
When these conclusions are generalized, regular exercise lowers stress response level and increases perceived well-being. In addition, stress is turned out to be a factor that negatively affects perceived well-being.
Cross cultural study about cultural value disposition and leadership behavior and sports attitude of athlete in Korea and Canada 스포츠심리학 : 한국?캐나다 양국운동선수의 가치성향과 리더십 행동지각 및 스포츠 태도에 관한 비교 문화적 연구
44(3) 199-214, 2005
Cross cultural study about cultural value disposition and leadership behavior and sports attitude of athlete in Korea and Canada 스포츠심리학 : 한국?캐나다 양국운동선수의 가치성향과 리더십 행동지각 및 스포츠 태도에 관한 비교 문화적 연구
This purpose of this study was to grasp in cross-cultural difference about cultural value disposition, leadership behavior and sports attitude of athlete in Korea and Canada. The subjects of this study were athletes who is belonged to sport team in korea (n=134) and canada (n=234). The results of this study was as following. First, Canada player is horizontal than vertical, and individualism than Collectivism disposition. However, Korea player is vertical than horizontal, Collectivism than individualism disposition. Second, there was difference training and instruction behavior as a function of cultural value disposition in canada player. But, there was difference in authoritative behavior and social support behavior as a function of cultural value disposition in korea player. Third, sports attitude was no difference as a function of cultural value disposition in korea player. But Achieve success factor of sports attitude was difference as a function of cultural value disposition in canada player.
Key Words
cultural value disposition, leadership behavior, sports attitude
Body Image Perception, Eating Behaviors and Weight Control Attitude According to Obesity Level in Adult Women 스포츠심리학 : 성인 여성의 비만도에 따른 체형인식, 식이태도, 체중조절 태도
Body Image Perception, Eating Behaviors and Weight Control Attitude According to Obesity Level in Adult Women 스포츠심리학 : 성인 여성의 비만도에 따른 체형인식, 식이태도, 체중조절 태도
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the self-perception of body image, the attitude of eating behaviors and weight control attitude among under-weight, standard-weight, and overweight female adults. The respondents included 298 female volunteers, aged 20 to 50, who were enrolled at Kangnam D Gumin sports center and Kangbuk Y Olympic Memorial Center. The instrument was composed of three sections: self-perception of body image, eating behaviors, and weight control attitude. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, frequency, one-way ANOVA, and chi-square test. This study established that the self-perception of body image was significantly different among three weight groups (p.<.05). The self-perception of body image in the overweight group was higher than the standard and under-standard weight groups. In addition, the scale of the eating behaviors in the overweight group was also significantly higher than the standard and under-standard weight groups. Most study participants were at least relatively unsatisfying with their body image. Thus, this study also provides a theoretical basis for planning interventions to improve body image.
Key Words
body image, eating attitude, weight control methods
Analysis of Psychological Skill Profile and Discriminant factor among Women Soccer Players 스포츠심리학 : 여자축구선수의 심리기술 프로파일 및 예측분석
44(3) 225-235, 2005
Analysis of Psychological Skill Profile and Discriminant factor among Women Soccer Players 스포츠심리학 : 여자축구선수의 심리기술 프로파일 및 예측분석
The aim of this paper was to analyse psychological skill profile of women soccer players in their group and level. The subjects in this work were comprised of 83 of middle school players, 78 of high school and 130 of collage and business. Main players of the subjects were 156 from among 291 players. The psychological skill concept level of women players was measured by the Korea PSQ. Each item's validity of psychological skill scales was assessed by confirmatory factor analysis via exploratory factor analysis. The result of two-way ANOVA which takes the sub-factors of psychological skill as dependent variable, showed the significance in the group and level. With the psychological skill of group for sense of challenge, spiritual preparation of a game, and self-confidence, the collage and business players' were higher up than other groups, and the main players were also upper than others. With anxiety, both the collage and business players and the main players were lower than others. According to the analysis of discriminant which was carried out to survey the predictability of women soccer players' psychological skill scales, the factor to identify a significance of psychological skill was the self-confidence, a spiritual preparation of a game and the unification of a team. This result so far was based upon previous-researches on psychological skill.
Key Words
women soccer players, psychological skill, discriminant factor
The Relationship between Role Stress and Job Burnout of Physical Education Teacher : Analysis of Moderating Effect of Coping Strategy 스포츠심리학 : 체육교사의 역할스트레스와 직무 탈진 관계 : 대처전략의 중재 효과 분석
신정택ShinJung-Taek , 박윤식ParkYoon-Shick
44(3) 237-247, 2005
The Relationship between Role Stress and Job Burnout of Physical Education Teacher : Analysis of Moderating Effect of Coping Strategy 스포츠심리학 : 체육교사의 역할스트레스와 직무 탈진 관계 : 대처전략의 중재 효과 분석
신정택ShinJung-Taek , 박윤식ParkYoon-Shick
The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between role stress and job burnout of physical education teachers and analyze moderating effect of coping strategy. The subjects were composed of 110 physical education teachers. The subjects completed role stress inventory, job burnout inventory and coping inventory. Collected data were analyzed using correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. And moderating effect of coping strategy were analyzed according to Arnold's(1982) sub-group correlation analysis procedure. the results are as fololows. Firstly, role stress positively affected job burnout in physical education teachers. Secondly, coping strategy has buffering effects between role stress and job burnout of physical education teachers. This results suggested that education of coping strategy is necessary for heath promotion and teaching efficacy improvement of physical education teachers. Limitations of this study and future implications were discussed.
Key Words
role stress, burnout, moderating effect, coping strategy
The Effects of Emotional․Cognitive Psychology factor and Rehabilitation Adherence on Recovery of Sport Injury 스포츠심리학 : 감정적,인지적 심리요인과 재활집착도가 스포츠 상해 회복에 미치는 영향
신정택ShinJung-Taek , 육동원YookDong-Won
44(3) 249-259, 2005
The Effects of Emotional․Cognitive Psychology factor and Rehabilitation Adherence on Recovery of Sport Injury 스포츠심리학 : 감정적,인지적 심리요인과 재활집착도가 스포츠 상해 회복에 미치는 영향
신정택ShinJung-Taek , 육동원YookDong-Won
The purpose of this study was to analyze psychological factors changes during recovery and how psychological factors influence the physical recovery of injured athletes. The subjects comprised 21 injured athletes of middle school with moderately serious or serious injuries. The psychological variables were mood state, subjective estimation of injury, adherence and were accessed continuously from beginning of treatment to its completion. This result indicated that as subjects recovered from their injuries, they gradually adopted the ICEBERG profile, which is characteristic of good performance. There was statistically significant in depression, anger, vigor, subjective estimation of injury and adherence by recovery time. Mood state(vigor) and adherence was inversely related to the time required for physical recovery. Mood state(tension, fatigue) and subjective estimation of injury seriousness was positively related to the time required for physical recovery. The results of this study suggested that psychological factors regarding coping with injures is significantly related to the achievement of an optimum recovery. Limitations of this study and future implications were discussed.
Exploring Analysis on the use of self-talk In athletic performance 스포츠심리학 : 운동수행에서 혼잣말(self-talk)사용에 관한 탐색적 분석
44(3) 261-275, 2005
Exploring Analysis on the use of self-talk In athletic performance 스포츠심리학 : 운동수행에서 혼잣말(self-talk)사용에 관한 탐색적 분석
The pupose of this study was to determine the use of self-talk in athletic performance. The participants of this study were 535 players and sport participants, who participated in tennis (n=91), golf (n=154), bowing (n=151), art of fencing(n=139). The players and participants reported sport activity two or more times per week, had a mean age of 34.22 yr. The instrument in the present study was developed specifically for this study. the questionnaire was used to obtain demographic information, including age, gender, type of sport, carrier of sport, type of player or participants, and Ws (where , when, what, why, and how) of self-talk usage by player and participants.
The results was as follows ; first, Over 73.1% of sport participants reported using self-talk in sport domain. Second, Sport participants used self-talk most at their sport location, during sport activity, motivational, and neutrally. Third, Sport participants use self-talk similarly as a function of age, gender, type of sport, carrier of sport, type of player or participants. In addition, future study must look towards the relation between self-talk and sport performance, conceptual framework for self-talk.
Key Words
self-talk, cognitive strategy
An Examination of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in the Participation and Adherence of the Golf 스포츠심리학 : 골프 운동 참여의도 및 지속행동 예측을 위한 계획행동 이론의 적용
44(3) 277-285, 2005
An Examination of the Theory of Planned Behaviour in the Participation and Adherence of the Golf 스포츠심리학 : 골프 운동 참여의도 및 지속행동 예측을 위한 계획행동 이론의 적용
The purpose of this study was to examine the optimal conceptualization of sub components or a general common factor for Theory of Planned Behaviour(TPB) that applied to understand participation and adherence of golf. The Questionnaire was developed by factor analysis to measure attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behaviour control. Total of 300 data were collected and refined in order to determine the effect of subcontinents on general factors. Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) was used by LISREL 8.2 win program. Results of this study identified that all of subcontinents factors except controllability showed significant effect on each general factor. Especially, social factors related to subjective norm might have the strongest influence on the intention to participate golf. But, self-efficacy factor showed significant effect not only on the perceived behaviour control but also on the intention directly. The more specified and decomposed factors could be postulated by future studies in order to understand participation and adherence in golf more theoretical way.
Development and Validation of a Korean Version Attitude Scale for Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 한국형 체육교과태도 척도 개발과 타당화
44(3) 289-304, 2005
Development and Validation of a Korean Version Attitude Scale for Physical Education 스포츠교육학 : 한국형 체육교과태도 척도 개발과 타당화
The aims of this study were to develop and validate a Korean version attitude scale for physical education in respect of culture relativism and multidimensional theory on the attitude. In the first stage, a tentative construct of attitude in physical education was identified by analyzing middle school students' statements on physical education inductively. For this aim, an open-ended question were drew up according to the perspective of attitude multi-dimension and they are divided into three domains, which are affective domain, cognitive domain, and behavior domain. The subjects chosen for this study were 346 students in the 9th grade at three type middle schools, which belonged to one of several local education authorities the jurisdiction of Incheon, Korea. The 3,806 statements were examined with care in the expert discussion in order to establish grouping of statements according to the theoretical framework of attitude. As a result, an 8-dimensional physical education attitude construct was developed by analyzing middle school students' statements on physical education. In the second stage, a pilot scale measuring conceptions of attitude was developed on the basis of an 8-dimensional factor identified in the first stage. Students' responses to the items were analyzed in an attempt to reconstruct the attitude construct and to test students' differentiation in conceptions of attitude. Specifically, the list of 106 items was administered to 606 middle school students to assess the degree of each item through the 5-point Likert scale. Items responded by 606 participants were submitted to exploratory factor analysis and among them 59 items were deleted. The principal component analysis reduced the students' responses to a 6-dimensional construct: 1) positive emotion, 2) negative emotion, 3) health and fitness, 4) physical activity and movement, 5) personnel relations, 6) active participation and performance. The result of exploratory factor analysis showed that eigen value of each factor was 19.240~1.013, and that factors were unidimensional with moderate reliability(r=.90~.70). The result of confirmatory factor analysis(CFA) of the responses from 384 middle school students was shown as a GFI of .901, AGFI of .875, RMR of .061, CFI of .937, IFI of .938, TLI of .927, RMSEA of .053 and Q of 2.072. Thus, the model of the Korean Physical Education Attitude Scale(KPEAS) was validated through CFA. In conclusion, the physical education attitude scale developed in this study will be able to be utilized in various physical education studies as the first Korean version.
Key Words
physical education attitude, psychometric measurement model, characteristics of Korean culture
The Effects of Feedback provided Internet Homepage on Student Motivation and Their Perception to Teachers in Elementary Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 홈페이지를 이용한 피드백 제공이 초등학교 체육수업에서 동기유발 및 교사에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Feedback provided Internet Homepage on Student Motivation and Their Perception to Teachers in Elementary Physical Education Classes 스포츠교육학 : 홈페이지를 이용한 피드백 제공이 초등학교 체육수업에서 동기유발 및 교사에 대한 인식에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of feedback used by the internet homepage on the student motivation toward physical education(PE) class and the perception toward their teacher. Total 185 elementary students participated in this study as subjects. The subjects were consisted of two classes from 5th grade and two classes from 6th grade. One class in each grade was experimental group and the other one was control group. In order to evaluate the motivation and perception, pre and post test were conducted by using a questionnaire consisted of 20 questions with 5point Likert scale. t-test was also conducted to examine the difference between two groups. The results of this study are as follows. First, Providing feedback by using homepage had a significant influence on the motivation toward PE class and the perception toward its teacher. Second, Feedback used by internet homepage positively influenced the motivation toward PE class on the experimental group.
Key Words
internet homepage feedback, motivation, perception
An Analysis of Enjoyment Factors of Physical Education Class in Elementary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학생들의 체육수업 재미거리 분석
The purpose of this study was two-fold : (1) to analyze what were sources of enjoyment of physical education class in elementary school; (2) to categorize the sources of that according to sex. For achieving this purpose, 750 elementary students in D-metropolitan city were selected as a subject of study and questionnaires asking ‘what is the most joyful source in physical education class?’were distributed to those students. To analyze these data, a framework for sources of sport enjoyment(Scanlan & Simons, 1992: 210) was adopted as a framework for reliable analysis. From these procedures, some substantial results about sources of enjoyment were revealed as follows :
First, male students in elementary school showed the fact related to activities(competition) as the higher level of enjoyment fact among the frame of enjoyment facts in P.E. class. This was thought to be male students felt fun through specific activities. Secondly, female students in elementary school showed the third frame that was related to activities(competition) as the higher level of enjoyment fact among the frames of enjoyment sources in P.E. class. This result could be interpreted most female students found the enjoyment facts among activities factors.
Key Words
enjoyment factor, physical education, elementary school
The Anxiety in Physical Education Class of Female Elementary School Teachers 스포츠교육학 : 초등 여교사의 체육수업 걱정거리
The purpose of this study was to investigate female elementary school teachers' perception of anxieties in physical education classes and to provide the foundation for the proposition of alternative plans to improve for the good physical education class. The subjects of this study were 174 female elementary school teachers, who were working at elementary schools of Y city in GyeongNam. The data-gathering tool was open-ended questionnaire. The collected questionnaires were analyzed using the keyword code system of the content analysis, frequency analysis of qualitative research, and casual chain analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; what's the anxieties of physical education classes was, in summary, it's 'lack of teachers' ‘professional skills and teaching materials', 'bad climatic conditions', 'poor surroundings of learning environment', 'annoyance of changing into sports wear', 'difficulty of arrangement for classes', 'incongruity of curriculum', 'responsibility of students' anticipation' and 'learner control'.
Key Words
the anxiety in physical education, casual chain analysis.
Phenomenological Analysis of Male College Student's Attitude towards Dancesport Class 스포츠교육학 : 남자 대학생 댄스스포츠 수업 참여 태도의 현상학적 분석
조미혜ChoMi-Hye , 김무영KimMoo-Young
44(3) 341-355, 2005
Phenomenological Analysis of Male College Student's Attitude towards Dancesport Class 스포츠교육학 : 남자 대학생 댄스스포츠 수업 참여 태도의 현상학적 분석
조미혜ChoMi-Hye , 김무영KimMoo-Young
The purpose of this study was to provide basic data of instruction strategy for male students by understanding on how male college students attitude change after taking dance sport class. For this study, we randomly selected four male students who resister in dance sport class, then we interviewed them and observed their behavior. We chose Phenomenological Method by Seidman(1998) for analyze the data.
Based on the analysis of the collected date, the following conclusions were reached;
first, the male students who attending dance sport class are decided to take this class because of their direct and indirect experiences from the past, recommendation from their surround people, and through the moves. However, they hesitate to attend dance sport at first because of the feminine image that dance activity has.
Second, the male students have expectation through the class such as effect on body figure, entertainment, hobby, leisure, social fellowship and dating. Especially, the students who have experience in dance sports are expecting on direct values as physical effect, enjoyment and hobby. In other hand, new students who had never experience in dance sport are interested more in indirect values like fellowship and dating. during the period, the students who have experience on dancesport are tending to disappoint on their physical effect after the class, otherwise new students are satisfy with their unexpected physical effect.
Third, although male students who attending dance sport are enjoying their class and eagerly participate in the class, they still consider this subject does not match with male student and Dance Sport is just one of the requirement course in college. But the male college students are agree on physical, social and psychological values about Dance Sports. finally, they keep their affirmative position and regard this course as positive subject to both of male and female at the end of the session.
Key Words
dancesport, phenomenological
The Effect of Stretch-Shortening Training of Male Middle School Students on Growth Hormone and IGF-I 운동생리학 : 남자 중학생의 신장반사 운동이 성장호르몬 및 IGF-I에 미치는 영향
강성훈KangSung-Hwun , 여남회YeoNam-Hwoeh
44(3) 359-367, 2005
The Effect of Stretch-Shortening Training of Male Middle School Students on Growth Hormone and IGF-I 운동생리학 : 남자 중학생의 신장반사 운동이 성장호르몬 및 IGF-I에 미치는 영향
강성훈KangSung-Hwun , 여남회YeoNam-Hwoeh
The purpose of this study investigated the influence of male middle school students changes of GH, IGF-Ⅰ, Height, Body composition after 10weeks stretch-shortening training program. Male middle school students(N=14) were divided into experimental group(N=7) and control group(N=7). Stretch-shortening training were consisted of pogo(80%HRmax), rocket jump(85%), box jump single response(90%), stride jump crossover(90%), quick leap(80%), depth jump(85%), double-leg incline and stair bound(90%). Each subject trained on plyometrics for 10weeks, 3days per week for 1hour a day. Subjects underwent an Insulin Tolerance Test by injection of 0.1U/kg regular insulin and blood samples for GH assay were taken at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minute.
The results are as follows.
1. In body composition height(p<0.01) and muscle mass(p<0.05) increased significantly. But %fat(p<0.05) decreased significantly.
2. Subjects underwent an ITT by injection of 0.1U/kg of regular insulin and blood samples for growth hormone assay were taken at 0, 30, 60 and 120 minute. Maximum level of GH were experimental group 30min and control group 60min.
3. Experimental group(p<0.001) and control group(p<0.05) increased significantly in IGF-I level.
As a result, high intensity stretch-shortening training catalyzed growth and IGF-I of male middle school students. Thus, stretch-shortening training was effected positive in growth development.
Key Words
stretch-shortening training, growth hormone, IGF-I, Insulin tolerance test
The Effect of Hand Acupunctures on Subjective Symptom of Menstruant Pain in Middle School Girls 운동생리학 : 수지침 요법이 여중학생의 생리통 자각증상에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hand acupunctures on subjective symptom of menstruant pain of middle school girls. The subject of the study were 60 middle school girls who had suffered from the menstruant pain. This study did 2-way ANOVA by repeated measure and Post hoc in order to examine the average difference according to group and time.
The results of this study were as follows:
1. In hand acupunctures and the pain, the data showed that the pain of the first group and the second group of hand acupunctures was remarkably relieved in comparison with that of the control group.
2. In hand acupunctures and the lowering of concentration, the data showed that the concentration-lowering of the first group and the second group of hand acupunctures was remarkably relieved in comparison with that of the control group.
3. In hand acupunctures and negative emotion, the data showed that the pain of the first group and the second group of hand acupunctures was remarkably relieved in comparison with that of the control group.
4. In hand acupunctures and the reaction of an autonomic nerve, the data showed that the reaction of an autonomic nerve in the first group and the second group of hand acupunctures was remarkably relieved in comparison with that of the control group.
5. In hand acupunctures and the moisture storage, the data showed that the moisture storage of the first group and the second group of hand acupunctures was remarkably relieved in comparison with that of the control group.
In conclusion, this study found out that the performance of hand acupunctures to the middle school girls who had suffered from menstruant pain relieved the pain of menstruant colic considerably. But the prominent difference between the first group of hand acupunctures and the second group of hand acupunctures wasn't found out. So, We thought that the continueus study will be held in this part in the future.
Key Words
hand acupuncture, menstrument pain, subjective simptom.
The relationship between plasma leptin and %body fat, insulin sensitivity, plasma lipids after endurance exercise training 운동생리학 : 지구성 운동에 따른 체지방률, 인슐린 감수성, 혈중 지질의 변화와 랩틴의 관계
김봉석KimBong-Seok , 정수련JungSu-Ryun , 강호율KangHo-Youl
44(3) 379-387, 2005
The relationship between plasma leptin and %body fat, insulin sensitivity, plasma lipids after endurance exercise training 운동생리학 : 지구성 운동에 따른 체지방률, 인슐린 감수성, 혈중 지질의 변화와 랩틴의 관계
김봉석KimBong-Seok , 정수련JungSu-Ryun , 강호율KangHo-Youl
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between plasma leptin and %BF, insulin sensitivity, plasma lipids after exercise endurance training. Rats were assigned to one of two experimental groups based to run on a motorized treadmill: 1) sedentary control (CON, n=10), 2) exercise training (Ex, n=30). The exercise training protocol used in this study consisted of running on motor driven treadmill up an 8% grade, 5 days/week for 8 weeks. The training speed and duration was 27m/min, 90min. Both treadmill speed and duration were rapidly increased during the first few weeks of training, such that the rats were running 90min at 27 m/min by the end of the second week. After 8-weeek treatment, Ex was significantly lower in plasma leptin levels than in CON (CON; 5.52±0.54, Ex: 1.24±0.24 ng/㎖). %Body fat of CON was significantly higher than Ex (CON: 12.45±0.23, Ex: 8.02±0.38 %). During the OGTT, plasma insulin levels in Ex was significantly lower than in CON, but not glucose levels. The TC, HDL-C level in Ex was significantly lower than in CON, but TG levels was not different among groups. Summary, Compared with CON, Ex revealed significant decreases in %BF, resting plasma insulin, leptin, TC, TG and significant increase in insulin sensitivity. But the relationship between plasma leptin with %BF was R2=0.82, with insulin was R2=0.4036, with lipids was R2=0.3221 (TC), R2=0.4112 (TG), with insulin sensitivity (R2=0.4036). Therefore this results suggested that the change in plasma leptin levels in only related with %BF.
The Production NO after Exercise by Different Exercise Intensity on Skeletal Muscle of Mice 운동생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 운동후 골격근에서의 NO 생성
김재호KimJae-Ho , 김용안KimYong-An
44(3) 389-402, 2005
The Production NO after Exercise by Different Exercise Intensity on Skeletal Muscle of Mice 운동생리학 : 운동강도에 따른 운동후 골격근에서의 NO 생성
김재호KimJae-Ho , 김용안KimYong-An
We examined the influence to bouts of running exercise(only treadmill grade diff) on the formation of the nitric oxide in skeletal muscle of mice. exercise was performed on a treadmill with the following modified protocols described by Ji(1993) and Armstrong(1984). exercise Intensity: rat were run to fix at 25 m/min and 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% grade, respectively. NO levels were assessed by Griess Methods(Ding et al., 1988) at CON and immediacy, 1h after the performance different that was single bout intensity exercise. NO was significantly increased on immediacy and 1h of all exercise group when compared with CON. in addition, it was substantially increase gradually by degrees. Immediacy, the skeletal muscle concentration of NO significantly increased at 0․10%, 0․15%, 0․20%, 5․10%, 5․15%, 5․20%, 10․20%, 15․20%(P<.05). Thus, 20% grade exercise group is significantly higher than other all exercise group.
Recovery 1h, released NO had a significantly upregulation at 0․5%, 0․10%, 0․15%, 0․20% and 5․10%, 5․15%, 5․20% grade. But it was decreased in immediately when compared with that of recovery 1h at 5%, 15%, 20% grade, respectively. In conclusion, This reflects an skeletal muscle contraction response mechanism and may contribute to an exercise-induced rise of endogenous nitric oxide production. It remains unclear if these effects serve an in-vivo immunoregulatory or cell-damaging role.
Key Words
ROS, NOS, cytokine
A study to Types and Characteristics of Injuries Resulted from the Physical Activities in the Military 운동생리학 : 군 체육활동시 발생되는 상해유형과 특성에 관한 연구 - 육군의무병사를 중심으로 -
박승용ParkSeung-Yong , 박재우ParkJae-Woo
44(3) 403-416, 2005
A study to Types and Characteristics of Injuries Resulted from the Physical Activities in the Military 운동생리학 : 군 체육활동시 발생되는 상해유형과 특성에 관한 연구 - 육군의무병사를 중심으로 -
박승용ParkSeung-Yong , 박재우ParkJae-Woo
The purpose of this research is to examine the types and characteristics of injuries resulted from the physical activities of the soldiers on active duty. In this research to achieve the purpose, the soldiers were set up as a population, and finally the data from 911 soldiers as sampling by proportional stratified cluster random sampling were analyzed.
Results of this research are as follows;
First of all, we need to renew our recognition towards injuries and injury prevention education should be substantially given. Also when an injury occurs proper treatment should be given.
Secondly, before the main sports activity is done the soldiers need to be educated about the principal of the exercise and the game rules. Then at least 5 minutes of warming up exercise is essential.
Third, The soldiers must wear the standard protection equipment required while doing the sports activity
Fourth, the existing equipment and facilities should be inspected regularly and the old and useless sporting goods and tools need to be improved.
Fifth, proper treatment should be given to make sure that injuries do not recur in the same places hereafter.
Sixth, ball games should not always be played between one's unit and the education value of the sports activity can even be enhanced by sometimes ignoring the organic unit or playing in small groups.
Key Words
injury, military, physical activity
The effects of moderate aerobic training on the change of plasma leptin and immune cell in rats 운동생리학 : 유산소성 운동이 흰쥐의 혈청 leptin 농도와 면역세포에 미치는 영향
서진희SeoJin-Hee , 소재무SoJae-Moo
44(3) 417-425, 2005
The effects of moderate aerobic training on the change of plasma leptin and immune cell in rats 운동생리학 : 유산소성 운동이 흰쥐의 혈청 leptin 농도와 면역세포에 미치는 영향
서진희SeoJin-Hee , 소재무SoJae-Moo
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of moderate aerobic training on the change of plasma leptin and immune cell in rats. To this end, the concentration of plasma leptin was measured in the whole blood. T cell(CD4+, CD8+, CD4+/CD8+), B cell and NK cells were enumerated with flowcytometery. To investigate the influence of the moderate training on the male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly separated into the control group(CG) and the exercise group(EG) of 7 rats in each. The exercise regimen consisted of treadmill running for 60 min per day at the speed of 25m/min, 5 days per week for 9 weeks.
The body wight, perirenal adipose tissue and epididymal adipose tissue of exercise group were markedly lower than those of CG(p<.01). The plasma leptin level in the blood of EG was significantly lower than those of CG(p<.01). The CD4+ T-cells in thymus of EG was remarkably increased compared to those of CG(p<.01). These data show the possible interrelationship between leptin level and immune cell population during long term exercise. But the CD 8+ T cells, CD4+/CD8+ T cells ratio in the thymus were not changed significantly in either EG or CG. The CD4+/CD8+ T cells ratio in the spleen of EG was significantly higher than CG. We demonstrate that the immune modulation by moderate exercise training may be in part mediated through leptin receptor in circulating CD4+ T lymphocytes, and a functional role of leptin as a modulator (enhancer) of lymphocytes stimulation might be associated with the changes of relevant cytokine excretion by the moderate exercise training.
Key Words
Leptin, T cell, B cell, NK cell
The Development of Computer Software for Exercise Performance of Ice-Hockey Players 운동생리학 : 아이스하키선수들의 경기력 향상을 위한 PC 소프트웨어 개발
이창영LeeChong-Young , 배종진BaeJong-Jin
44(3) 427-436, 2005
The Development of Computer Software for Exercise Performance of Ice-Hockey Players 운동생리학 : 아이스하키선수들의 경기력 향상을 위한 PC 소프트웨어 개발
이창영LeeChong-Young , 배종진BaeJong-Jin
To give a help on exercise performance for ice-hockey players, this development of pc application for physique and physical fitness assessment, training schedule program based on object pascal language(delphi 7.0 student version in borland company) followed as:
This program gave objective assessment on fitness and body composition to ice-hockey players and able to practice Graded Exercise Test(GXT) in various ways. Cardiovascular fitness level test was composed of three parts which one is direct analysis method from O2 analyzer, the other is indirect analysis of treadmill exercise test and cycle ergometer exercise test. This computer software was able to execute isometric, plyometric and ice-time training test. It was possible that this software was able to monitor the change of fitness and physique as well as isometric, plyometric, and ict-time record data in lasting. It was possible that this program was able to draw up the isometric, plyometric and ice-time training plan related in assesment in both object and subject. Software help files were given in all parts and to save, search and retest for player's data, this program was possible for all informations of ice-hockey player to do the data-base.
As mentioned above, this pc application is able to contribute to exercise performance of ice-hockey players. I think that this pc application more efficient software if added the psychological factors and synthetically can be able to assess and monitor for all team players as well as each player. There need for accumulation and share of information for efficient assesment in ice-hockey players.
Key Words
exercise performance, ice hockey, sports information processing technology, pc application.
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on the Stress Urinary Incontinence in overweighted Women. 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 골반저근육 운동이 과체중 여성의 긴장성 요실금에 미치는 영향
Effects of Aerobic Exercise and Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise on the Stress Urinary Incontinence in overweighted Women. 운동생리학 : 유산소 운동과 골반저근육 운동이 과체중 여성의 긴장성 요실금에 미치는 영향
This study investigated the effects of body fat content variations induced by a 8-week exercise program on the extent of incontinence in overweighted women who had symptoms of stress incontinence. A total of 19 women who resided S province of Seoul were recruited, and they were randomly divided into three groups; 1) aerobic exercise and pelvic floor muscle exercise group (A group, n=7), 2) pelvic floor muscle exercise only group (B group, n=6), and 3) control group (C group, n=6). The group A participated aerobic exercise 65 min/day and three times/week for eight weeks and the pelvic floor muscle exercises 150 times/day while the group B only participated in the pelvic floor muscle exercises. The group C did not participated in any planned exercise programs. Before and after the exercise program, all subjects underwent testing sessions evaluating body fat content, the maximal virginal contraction pressure, and the maximal virginal contraction duration, and completed a questionnaire surveying the extent of stress incontinence. The two-way ANOVA revealed that no group differences for body fat content were found while the group A showed an improved maximal virginal contraction pressure after the program than other two groups. The subjective evaluation by the subjects using the questionnaire showed that they felt better urination symptoms and daily social activities. In general their incontinence symptoms and extent were positively influenced by the exercise programs. Based on the results, the combination of both a exercise & pelvic floor muscle exercises reduced body fat content and resulted in reducing the extent of stress incontinence symptoms. And the reduction was greater than other treating maneuvers.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between ACE genotype and the physical fitness of soccer players. It was conducted a survey on 98 soccer players. Subjects were classified in accordance with ACE genotypes. Statistic method was One-way ANOVA.
First, frequency of ACE genotype were ID genotype > II genotype > DD genotype. Second, muscular endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance of II genotype had a tendency that generally had more levels than ID and DD genotype. There was no differences about physical fitness based on ACE genotype as well. Also there was no relationship between different genotypes. It included both aerobic and anaerobic in its speciality and they did training under the same conditions, and did play the game without any condition. In order to improve the player's individual ability, different program should provided to subjects based on their genotypes. Finally, to get a more accurate results about the relationship among those, researchers proposed future study based on different sports types and level of players.
Key Words
soccer players, ACE genotype, physical fitness
AThe Change of LDH and CPK of middle-aged female members of marathon during Maximal Graded Exercise 운동생리학 : 점증부하 최대운동시 중년 여성 마라톤 동호인의 LDH와 CPK 활성변화
장재훈JangJae-Hoon , 허선HurSun
44(3) 459-468, 2005
AThe Change of LDH and CPK of middle-aged female members of marathon during Maximal Graded Exercise 운동생리학 : 점증부하 최대운동시 중년 여성 마라톤 동호인의 LDH와 CPK 활성변화
장재훈JangJae-Hoon , 허선HurSun
The purpose of this study is to prove the difference of muscular damage between middle-aged female members of marathon clubs who participate in the life time sports and normal middle-aged women by observing their Cardiorespiratory function and the activity of LDH(Lactate Dehydrogenase) and CPK(Creatine Phosphokinase) in blood. The subjects of study are female members of marathon clubs (n=6) and non-marathon women(n=6) in their 40's. As Maximal Graded Exercise using Bruce Protocol, it is forced to completed when the subjects become state of all-out. Cardiorespiratory function is verified and the activity of LDH and CPK activity is analyzed when the th blood is drawn at rest, after each of 3 minutes recovery and 30 minutes recovery. Data is dealt with independently by the means of t-! test and repeated ANOVA, and post testing of Duncan is done for the significant difference. It is as follows. Oxygen intake and exercise sustaining power of marathon group appear higher than those of non-marathon group in Cardiorespiratory function, and there is a statistical significant difference(p<0.5). The LDH change of Marathon group is higher that of non-marathon group after Maximal Graded Exercise test, but there is no statical significant difference. At the timing of testing at rest, after the 3 minutes and 30 minutes recovery, obviously it shows a higher statical significant difference. The CPK change of marathon group is higher than that of non-marathon group at groups' comparison, and there is a statical significant difference(p<0.5). Also, on the timing of testing after 3 minutes and 30 minutes recovery by completing exercise, a statical significant difference is seen highly in CPK change (p<0.5).
As a consequence of the fact above, marathon influences the ability of the oxygen consuming exercise. The marathon group has possibility of damaging their muscular under considering the change of CPK and LDH, which marathon group shows significant differences rather than non-marathon group. It is estimated that excessive and long time exercise could be harmful.
Key Words
The Effect of Resistance Training on Protein Metabolism in Lumbar Patients with 360° Spinal Fusion Surgery 운동생리학 : 요추환자의 360° 척추 고정술 후 저항성 트레이닝이 단백질 대사에 미치는 영향
44(3) 469-476, 2005
The Effect of Resistance Training on Protein Metabolism in Lumbar Patients with 360° Spinal Fusion Surgery 운동생리학 : 요추환자의 360° 척추 고정술 후 저항성 트레이닝이 단백질 대사에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to observe how resistance training altered protein metabolism level in lumbar patients during recovery stage after 360° spinal fusion surgery. The subjects were chosen from patients diagnosed with lumbar instability at J hospital. The total number of participants was 20 (10 experimental group:5 men & 5 women:10 control group: 5 men & 5 women). The patients in experimental group were able to walk on their own and participated in resistance training twice a day three days after the surgery and patients in control group are did not participate in any training. Analyse of protein metabolism alterations are performed and the results were as follows: Analyse of creatine phosphokinase-MM;CPK-MM and lactate dehydrogenase-4;LDH-4 were conducted to see changes in isoenzyme. Application of resistance training to patients in experimental group showed significant reduction in CPK-MM and LDH-4 levels than the control (P<0.05). These changes reflected that resistance training after surgery has positive effect on damaged necrosis of muscle during the surgery, ischemia symptom, and conditions such as muscle shrinkage. Total protein and albumin were analyzed to study changes in biochemical variables. The result showed no significant differences between two group (P>0.05).
Key Words
resistance training, protein metabolism, 360° spinal fusion surgery
Effects of BCAA administration on CNS fatigue and endurance exercise performance in rats 운동영양학 : 운동전 BCAA 투여가 흰쥐의 중추피로변인 및 지구성 운동수행 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of BCAA administration on on CNS fatigue and endurance exercise performance in rats. 18 male SD rats were randomly assigned into three groups, control (CON), exercise group with only saline (SAL), and exercise group with BCAA (BCAA), respectively.
All rats were trained on a motor driven treadmill. Injected intraperitoneally with 1mL of saline (0.9% NaCl) or BCAA (30mg dissolved in 1mL saline) 5min before exercise at the speed of 20m/min, 7% incline (N=14). BCAA composition was 10mg, 10mg and 10mg for leucine, isoleucine and valine. After the exercise test, blood was collected for the measurement of glucose, lactate, FFA, and free tryptophan and brain samples were taken from the rat brain for determination of brain tryptophan, 5-HTP, 5-HT, 5-HIAA concentration by HPLC-ECD.
The plasma glucose concentration was significantly lower (p<.05) in the exercise group (SAL, BCAA) compared with the CON. whereas, the plasma FFA concentration was significantly higher (p<.05) in the exercise group (SAL, BCAA) compared with the CON. The plasma lactate concentration was significantly higher (p<.05) in the BCAA compared with the CON, and no significant differences were observed between the SAL group and the BCAA group.
The brain tryptophan was significantly higher (p<.05) in the exercise group (SAL, BCAA) compared with the CON.
5-HTP concentration was significantly higher (p<.05) in the SAL compared with the CON, and no significant differences were observed between the SAL group and the BCAA group.
5-HT, and 5-HIAA concentrations were showed the tendency to decrease in the BCAA compared with the SAL. exhaustive time was 27min longer in BCAA compared with SAL, but not significantly difference in statistically.
Key Words
BCAA, CNS fatigue, endurance exercise
Effects of Dehydration due to exercise in hot environment on the Rate of Gastric Emptying 운동영양학 : 서열하 운동 탈수 후 탄수화물의 섭취가 위배출률에 미치는 영향
정수련JoungSu-Ryun , 노승균NohSeung-Kyun , 강호율KangHo-Youl , Shi Xiaocai
44(3) 489-496, 2005
Effects of Dehydration due to exercise in hot environment on the Rate of Gastric Emptying 운동영양학 : 서열하 운동 탈수 후 탄수화물의 섭취가 위배출률에 미치는 영향
정수련JoungSu-Ryun , 노승균NohSeung-Kyun , 강호율KangHo-Youl , Shi Xiaocai
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dehydration resulted from exercise on gastric emptying rate (GER) and to investigate the differences between water and 6% glucose solution on GER after dehydration. On separate occasions in randomized order six male college students (26.67 +/- 0.76 yr of age, 78.55 +/- 7.10 kg) exercised for 90 min (or until 2% of initial body weight was lost) on a bicycle ergometer in a warm environment (30 degree C with 30-50% RH). Following exercise, subjects were moved to a neutral environment(18 degrees C with 30-50% RH) and ingested 400ml of water or 6% glucose solution(absorption of water and a 6% glucose solution were compared) Gastric volume were determined prior to each drink and at 15min using modified double sampling technique. Blood sample were taken before and after exercise(pre) and after ingestion of test solution(post). Blood samples were analyzed for percent for change in plasma volume, electrolyte concentration, lactate and glucose concentration. The following observations were made : 1) Dehydration resulted from exercise in a warm environment did not significantly reduce GER. 2) The percentage of ingested test solution emptied from the stomach were significantly less for 6% glucose compared with water. 3) Glucose concentration were significantly higher 6% glucose compared with water while lactate level, osmolality concentration and plama volume were not significantly different from all treatment. 4) The electrolyte results showed no significant differences between the treatment.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and compare with the kinematic characteristics of the skilled and unskilled players on heading shooting in soccer. with the three-dimensional cinematography. The subjects of this study were six high school football players as a skilled player and five high school students as a unskilled player who didn't have any experience in football. They were asked to head the ball which was hanged from the ceiling and moving like a pendulum. They were asked to head the ball to the direction of front and ninety degree. To analyze heading movement, an image data, called Arial Performance Analysis System(APAS), produces the value of coordinates, then finally the data were analyzed by LabView 6i. It was performed by independent t-test to identify the significant differences between the skilled and unskilled players.
The result of this study were as follows:
1. The time parameter for the total phases didn't show the significant difference between the skilled and unskilled players but, the time of the phase of impact was showed the significant difference.
2. As heading to the direction of front, the angle of the head was showed the significant difference in the maximum extension angle, flexion angle and the impact point
3. As heading to the direction of ninety degree for the anterior and posterior, the angle of the head was showed the significant difference in the range of motion.
4. As heading to the direction of front, the angle of the trunk was showed the significant difference in the maximum extension angle, flexion angle and the impact point
5. As heading to the direction of ninety degree for the anterior and posterior, the angle of the trunk was showed the significant difference in maximum extension, maximum flexion angle and impact point, for the left-right flexion the angle of the trunk was showed the significant difference in the maximum left flexion angle and impact point, for the outward rotation the angle of the trunk didn't show the significant difference in the angle of outward rotation, range of motion and impact point.
Key Words
heading, flexion, extension, outward-rotation
How to Determine the Weight of Different Major Table Tennis Competition Games 체육측정평가학 : 각종 탁구 경기대회의 비중도: 어떻게 결정할 것인가?
44(3) 513-524, 2005
How to Determine the Weight of Different Major Table Tennis Competition Games 체육측정평가학 : 각종 탁구 경기대회의 비중도: 어떻게 결정할 것인가?
Almost all the sport federations have operated the weight system which gives different points according to the level of the games. Many attempts have been made to determine the appropriate standard for evaluating the quality level of various national and international sport games. The present study was an attempt to calibrate the weights associated with the different quality of sport games being held in Table-tennis event by using the Rasch rating scale model and to test the validity of the perceived weights of different games suggested by experts. Total 47 high school Table-tennis teams (male team = 22, female team = 25) participated in at least one game out of 7 major national games were selected for weighing the quality of the games. Tournament records were used as indicator of performance level for the selected teams in each game. The results showed that the Spearman's correlations between the game weights suggested by experts and derived by Rasch model were ranging from 0.354 to 0.825. The game weights suggested by experts were not consisted of those derived from Rasch analysis. The quality level of the games differed among the 7 different games. For example, ‘National games of men & women's table tennis championships’ had the highest quality measure (logit = -1.25) while ‘National men & women's Junior Championships of table tennis’ had the least quality measure (logit = 1.97) on the basis of 2004 tournament records of 7 major games for male. The results from a Rasch model analysis make it possible for a college board to identify the relative quality of games.
Key Words
weight, competition, sports event, rasch model
A Study on the Perceptions of the Style and String Elasticity of Tennis Racket 체육측정평가학 : 테니스 라켓과 스트링의 형태와 스트링 탄성에 대한 인식도 연구
This study is designed to examine how much the tennis amateurs understand the racket string elasticity and to help them select the right rackets with appropriate string elasticity that fit their tennis styles. For the sample of this study, 120 tennis amateurs were picked on a random basis by sex, age, and proficiency. The survey was taken using questionnaires. The sizes, elasticity and strings of racket were measured at the R.D.C.(Racket Diagnostic Center). The frequency and cross sectional analyses were done using SPSS(ver 10.0).
The conclusion of this study is as follows:
1. The racket size was preferred in the order of oversize, mid plus size, and midsize while the racket balance was preferred in the order of head heavy, even, and head light.
2. The priority considerations in purchasing tennis strings were exposed in the order of controllability, impression, durability, and power.
3. In choosing the racket size and balance, the young twenties showed their preferences of mid plus size and even balance while women and the old forties and over preferred oversize and head heavy balance.
4. It was identified that the lower the racket string elasticity, the smaller the string deflection; the thinner the string, the larger the string deflection. But, there was no big difference in the multi-filament structure. String deflection of multi-filament was greater than that of mono-filament.
Key Words
elasticity, string, balance
A Study on the Physical Fitness and Establishment of Physical Fitness Evaluating Criteria of Elite Collegiate TaeKwondo Competitors in Korea 체육측정평가학 : 대학 우수 태권도 선수의 체력 현황과 평가기준치 설정
44(3) 535-543, 2005
A Study on the Physical Fitness and Establishment of Physical Fitness Evaluating Criteria of Elite Collegiate TaeKwondo Competitors in Korea 체육측정평가학 : 대학 우수 태권도 선수의 체력 현황과 평가기준치 설정
The purpose of this study was to investigate the level of physical fitness and to determine the physical fitness evaluating criteria of elite collegiate Taekwondo competitors. 191 collegiate men who are within the 3rd place in national Taekwondo championships were participated as the subject. The Weight category was divided into 4 groups(-58kg, -67kg, -78kg, +78kg group) by olympic weight category division. They performed physical fitness test included strength, power, endurance agility, flexibility and balance. The Conclusions of this study were as follows;
1. Compare to the physical fitness test in 1987, physical fitness of elite collegiate TaeKwondo competitors was generally improved, but lower in endurance and flexibility partial and power, endurance, agility flexibility and balance of +78kg group elite collegiate competitors were lower than other groups.
2. Physical fitness evaluating criteria of elite collegiate Taekwondo competitors were established by ratio scale and they were presented from
A Study on the Induced effect Analysis on the Sports Industry In korea and Its Growth Factor 스포츠산업·경영학 : 우리나라 스포츠산업의 성장요인과 스포츠산업의 유발계수 분석
44(3) 547-562, 2005
A Study on the Induced effect Analysis on the Sports Industry In korea and Its Growth Factor 스포츠산업·경영학 : 우리나라 스포츠산업의 성장요인과 스포츠산업의 유발계수 분석
Sports has emerged as an industry with its economic value recognized and the industrial structures being sophisticated and advanced. Though sport has been becoming an industry as well as helping people to boost health, realize their egos and reduce stress, there had been few economic approaches to sports industry in Korea.
It is urgent to analyze sport industry economically since it has the characteristics of a complex industry and it is one of the promising industries for the future. Thus this paper, by using input-output tables from the years of 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000, deals with the total output and the structural changes of sport industry in Korea and then examines production-inducing coefficient, value-adding coefficient, forward linkage effect and backward linkage effect of the industry.
The total output of the nation's sport industry in 2000 amounted to 11.2033 trillion won, about 8.5 times more compared with 1.3238 trillion won in 1985. The growth rate of sport industry exceeded the GDP growth rate during the same period, thus can be considered to contribute to the developments of the overall industries. However, the portion of the sport industry is just 0.6~0.69% to the overall GDP.
As of 2000, the sport industry in Korea was structurally concentrated on the sport services. The portion of the sport services to the sport industry in 2000 had increased to 70.0% from 45.1% in 1985 while the portion of the sport goods in 2000 had decreased to 21.2% from 45.0% in 1985. It can be said desirable that the importance of sport services has been emphasized in terms of the sports industry being serviceable.
After measuring several induced coefficients of sport industry by using input-output analysis, it has revealed that forward linkage effect of production-inducing effect, value-adding effect are higher than the overall industries while backward linkage effect is lower. Sport goods has high production-inducing coefficient, and forward linkage effect with sport services having high value-adding coefficient. When making policies related to sport industry, these facts are needed to be considered to pursue the development of the industry.
Key Words
sport industry, input-out table, production-inducing effect, value-inducing effect, forward linkage effect, backward linkage effect, gross domestic sport product
The Effect of Knowledge and Trust on Perceived Benefit and Perception of Risk and Re-participation Intention in Golf 스포츠산업·경영학 : 골프에 대한 지식과 믿음이 혜택인지도와 위험인지도, 그리고 재참여의도에 미치는 영향
44(3) 563-570, 2005
The Effect of Knowledge and Trust on Perceived Benefit and Perception of Risk and Re-participation Intention in Golf 스포츠산업·경영학 : 골프에 대한 지식과 믿음이 혜택인지도와 위험인지도, 그리고 재참여의도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationship re-participation perception among the knowledge, trust, perceived benefit, risk perception in college students when participated in golf. Responses were collected from 307 questionnaires, A total of 305 responses were used in data analysis; 2 questionnaires were excluded from data analysis because of incomplete or missing data. To conduct this study the hypothesized structure equation model(SEM) was used by Amos 4.0. the result of this study disclosed; first, knowledge was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived benefit, however, knowledge was not statistically causal relationship with perception of risk. Second, Trust was statistically positive causal relationship with perceived benefit and statistically negative causal relationship with perception of risk. Third, lastly, perceived benefit was statistically positive causal relationship with re-participation. on the other hand, the perception of risk was not statistically negative causal relationship with re-participation in golf.
Key Words
knowledge, trust, perceived benefit, perception of risk, re-participation, risk management
The Relationship between Customer Loyalty, Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Customer Value of Golf Course 스포츠산업·경영학 : 골프장의 지각된 고객가치, 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 고객충성도의 관계
44(3) 571-583, 2005
The Relationship between Customer Loyalty, Customer Trust, Customer Satisfaction and Perceived Customer Value of Golf Course 스포츠산업·경영학 : 골프장의 지각된 고객가치, 고객만족, 고객신뢰, 고객충성도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to clarify relationship between customer loyalty, customer trust, customer satisfaction, and perceived customer value of golf course among customers who have used golf course. About 368 samples were collected from 5 golf related facilities, located in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Chungnam, Chungbuk and Daejeon in 2004. 357 samples were utilized for final analysis, except 11 unfaithful samples. For statistical analysis method for data processing, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and factor analysis were performed using SPSSWIN Ver. 12.0. To verify the established model, structure equation model analysis was performed using AMOS 4.0. As a result, following conclusions were obtained.
First, perceived customer value was found to have significant effects on customer satisfaction. Second, perceived customer value is found to have significant effects on customer loyalty. Third, perceived customer value was found to have significant effects on customer trust. Forth, customer satisfaction was found to have significant effects on customer trust. Fifth, customer satisfaction was found to have significant effects on customer loyalty. Sixth, customer trust was found
not to have significant effects on customer loyalty.
TheEffects of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Turnover
Intentions andCareerWithdrawal Intentions of Sports Facility Employees' 스포츠산업·경영학 : 스포츠시설 종사자들의 직무만족 및 조직몰입이 이직의도 및 경력변경의도에 미치는 영향
44(3) 585-594, 2005
TheEffects of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Turnover
Intentions andCareerWithdrawal Intentions of Sports Facility Employees' 스포츠산업·경영학 : 스포츠시설 종사자들의 직무만족 및 조직몰입이 이직의도 및 경력변경의도에 미치는 영향
This study attempts to examine factors determining the turnover intentions and career withdrawal intentions of the employees in sports facility management organizations. A sample of 208 subjects were used for this study. The subjects consist of the employees working in hotels and general sports centers. For our statistical test, correlation and multiple regression analyses were carried out to verify the hypotheses developed in this study. The analysis results support the conclusions to be summarized below. First, higher levels of the employees' organizational commitment and job satisfaction are associated with lower levels of their turnover intentions. This suggests that the factor of their turnover intention is more closely associated with an organizational factor than with a job-related factor. Second, job satisfaction levels of the employees are negatively correlated with the level of their career withdrawal intentions. This implies that the employees are motivated to change careers due more to a job-related factor over organizational factors. The test analysis thus supports the conclusion that the employees' turnover intentions are closely associated with organizational factors, whereas their intention to change careers are correlated to individual factors.
Key Words
turnover intention, career withdrawal intention, job satisfaction, organizational commitment
Positioning Strategies with Reference to Perception of Pro-Sports' Service Quality 스포츠산업·경영학 : 프로스포츠 서비스품질 지각에 따른 포지셔닝 전략
44(3) 595-609, 2005
Positioning Strategies with Reference to Perception of Pro-Sports' Service Quality 스포츠산업·경영학 : 프로스포츠 서비스품질 지각에 따른 포지셔닝 전략
The purpose of this study was to analyze pro-sports spectator's perceptions and preferences for the pro-sports and to develope the positioning strategies with reference to image perception of pro-sports' service quality. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 3600 spectators from twenty-four randomly selected pro-sport games were surveyed by means of a revise questionnaire. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was determined by a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for questionnaire was found to be a α=.729―.916. Questionnaire utilized a seven-point Likert-typ scale were employed for ascertaining the degree of importance that each respondent attached to each item. The statistical methods used for the data analysis were frequency analysis and factor analysis by employing the SPSS 10.0 V. Also the Multidimensional Scaling Method(MDS) with KYST, PROFIT, MDPREF and PREFMAP methods were adopted to analyze the similarities, spectator' perceptions and preferences regarding pro-sports.
The major findings obtained from this study were as followings:
First, as a result of factor analysis on the pro-sport's service quality of spectators, six factors of ability of game, accessability, promotion, facility, game schedule, and cost were derived.
Second, the results showed that the competing images of pro-basketball and super volleyball games were relatively high. Also pro-soccer and pro-baseball games were so competitive, where as, the competing images of pro-basketball, super volleyball games and pro-soccer and pro-baseball games were relatively low.
Third, generally, there were significant differences in the spectator's perceptions and preferences of pro-sport games.
Fourth, there were significant differences in the spectator's preferences for pro-sport games and service quality in terms of gender and age difference.
Therefore, the following steps should be taken. First, pro-sports marketers should take into consideration the spectators ideal point changes in their need and wants in his or her own pro-sport and those in the competing pro-sports. Next, should come up with repositioning strategy for pro-sport's service qualities in order to increase spectators. Finally, an effective PR plan should be drawn from the strategy and a marketing mix should be made in order to inform strength of his or her own pro-sports. Hopefully, the empirical findings will be useful in developing marketing strategy related to pro-sports positioning.
Key Words
pro-sports' service quality, positioning, multidimensional scaling method(MDS)
Organizational Commitment and Work Commitment among Professional Athletes 스포츠산업·경영학 : 프로스포츠 선수들의 조직몰입과 직무몰입에 관한 연구
장진ChangJin , 장경로ChangKyung-Ro
44(3) 611-620, 2005
Organizational Commitment and Work Commitment among Professional Athletes 스포츠산업·경영학 : 프로스포츠 선수들의 조직몰입과 직무몰입에 관한 연구
장진ChangJin , 장경로ChangKyung-Ro
The purpose of this study were to investigate differences regarding organizational commitment and work commitment, and relationship between organizational commitment and work commitment among professional sport players. The participants in the study were drawn from the three professional sport leagues - baseball, football, and basketball. Total 268 surveys were returned usable. Results showed that there were no differences on organizational commitment based on age, year of professional career, and year of continuous service in the team. However, there were differences on normative commitment and work commitment based on players' salary, and work commitment based on year of continuous service in the team. In addition, there were differences on affective commitment, continuous commitment, and work commitment based on professional league they are involved. That is, baseball and basketball players showed higher affective commitment than football players, and baseball players showed higher continuous commitment than football players. In addition, baseball players showed higher work commitment than football players, but there was no differences on normative commitment based on professional league they are involved. Finally, only affective commitment showed significant impact on work commitment among professional players.
Key Words
organizational and work commitment
Scale Development of Brand Personality and Its Adaptation for the Sport Product 스포츠산업·경영학 : 스포츠 제품의 브랜드 개성 척도 개발과 적용
The purpose of this study was to standardize a brand personality scale into a sports products and to examine its adaptability. To achieve the purpose of this study, Brand Personality Scale(BPS) examined by Hong(2002) was used to translate and analyze its adaptability in Korean. The BPS was originally developed by Aaker(1997) to examine the degree of brand image of a certain product. The BPS was consisted of 15 facets with 5 sub-domains. A total of 347 sample was used and asked about brand personality of sports product.
Results indicated that 10 facets among original 15 original facets significantly represented brand personality in sports products. Also, four sub domain among original five were statistically fit with proposed model for Korean version of brand personality scale. In detail, sincerity, excitement, competence. and ruggedness were shown as good sub domains for the scale. Validity and reliability were also checked to confirm the adaptability of the scale. In comparison to a previous research studied by Hong(2002) and Hong & Cho(2003), brand personality scale was shown different facets with same sub domain. The result indicated that brand personality scale was needed to be differently applied in different sport contexts.
A Study on Relationship Among Perception of Expectations Ski Resort's Service Quality, Visitor Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions 스포츠산업·경영학 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 기대치, 방문자 만족, 행동의도에 관한 연구
44(3) 631-643, 2005
A Study on Relationship Among Perception of Expectations Ski Resort's Service Quality, Visitor Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions 스포츠산업·경영학 : 스키리조트 서비스품질 기대치, 방문자 만족, 행동의도에 관한 연구
The purpose of this study was to find out service quality of ski resorts, and the relationship among the perception of expectations of ski resort's service quality, visitor satisfaction and behavior intention at ski resort. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 750 visitors from five randomly selected ski resorts were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaires were determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for the questionnaire was found to be α=.720-.883. The questionnaire utilized a five-point Likert-type scale was employed for ascertaining the degree of importance that each respondent attached to each item. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were frequency analysis, factor analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis by employing the SPSS 10.0 V. For all analyses an alpha level of .05 were used for the research questions.
The major findings obtained from this study were following;
First, as a result of factor analysis on the ski resort's service quality of visitors, six factors of ski lift, accessability, accessary facilities, ski slope, costs, and promotions were derived.
Second, ski lift factor was perceived to be the most important factor in selecting a certain ski resort by ski resort visitors, followed by accessability factor.
Third, there were significant differences in the perception of expectations of ski resort's service quality in terms of age, gender, staying duration, visiting frequency, and purpose of visiting.
Fourth, the ski lift, accessibility, slope, and accessary facility factors significantly influenced the visiting satisfaction of ski resort visitors.
Fifty, the ski lift, accessibility, slope, and accessary facility factors significantly influenced the purchase intentions of ski resort visitors.
Finally, the result of this study also indicated that the ski lift, accessibility, slope, and accessary facility factors significantly influenced the recommendation intention.
Key Words
service quality of ski resort, visitor satisfaction, behavioral intention
Role and Search of Direction by Sports-related NGO 사회체육학 : 체육관련 비정부단체(NGO)의 역할과 방향 탐색
구강본GooKang-Bon , 김영갑KimYoung-Kab
44(3) 647-659, 2005
Role and Search of Direction by Sports-related NGO 사회체육학 : 체육관련 비정부단체(NGO)의 역할과 방향 탐색
구강본GooKang-Bon , 김영갑KimYoung-Kab
This purpose of this study is to understand actual condition of sports-related NGOs, establish concept and direction of NGO, and propose theoretical evidence and direction of developing sports-civil movement. Sports-related NGO associations remind only of contradictory actions despite their obligation of function. Now physical training/sports field must clear its role and disposition as a government association constituted in hierarchy before democratization, and search for a new direction and put effort for re-construction just like civil organizations of other fields have attempted to change. The basic directions expecting more studies and discussions of sports-related NGO in the future are: first, the activities of sports-related NGO must be approved as social/public property, and a social supporting system should also be created. Secondly, sports policy and organizations, which have been dragged on by the government and political theories, must lead an active role in suggesting and evaluating policies, and achieve power to renovate by itself through internal purification and neutral-value consideration in the future. Thirdly, the academic field must reinforce observation function for not only the sports organizations but also suggesting of policies for substantiality of sports-related NGO.
Key Words
sports, NGO, civil society
Interpretation on the female college students' initial and continuous motivations for boxing participation 여가·레크리에이션학 : 여자 대학생 복싱 참여자의 초기 및 지속 동기에 관한 해석
김민수KimMin-Soo , 송원익SongWon-Ick , 이철원LeeChul-Won
44(3) 663-671, 2005
Interpretation on the female college students' initial and continuous motivations for boxing participation 여가·레크리에이션학 : 여자 대학생 복싱 참여자의 초기 및 지속 동기에 관한 해석
김민수KimMin-Soo , 송원익SongWon-Ick , 이철원LeeChul-Won
This was to explore the female college students' initial and continuous motivations for boxing participation. It play a great role in understanding the relationship among Korean culture, female sport and boxing participation. In initial motivation, curisity, desire of belonging, and need of exercise were manifested. As continuous motivation, interest, individual direction, desire of learning, and human tie were emerged. In order to enhance female's boxing participation, the female boxing program and strategy should be invented for the Renaissance for female boxing participation.
Key Words
boxing participation, female sports, motivation
Dancesport as Special Extra-curriculum for Leisure Education in the Elementary School 여가·레크리에이션학 : 초등학생의 여가교육으로 이루어지는 댄스스포츠 특기적성활동
김지영KimJi-Young , 이철원LeeChul-Won
44(3) 673-680, 2005
Dancesport as Special Extra-curriculum for Leisure Education in the Elementary School 여가·레크리에이션학 : 초등학생의 여가교육으로 이루어지는 댄스스포츠 특기적성활동
김지영KimJi-Young , 이철원LeeChul-Won
This study was to explore the experience and actual situation which will be appeared through dance sport as special extra-curriculum for leisure education in the elementary school. It was conducted by the qualitative research method. The examination environment selected the sites of dance sport activity of the elementary school of areas located in Seoul using the purposeful sampling. Total 11 participants(6 students, 2 dance teachers, and 3 mothers) were selected. The collection of data was performed by the in-depth interview and participation observation methods being used in the qualitative research method which were used in parallel.
Conclusions were as follows:
1) Restrictive point of dance sport as special extra-curriculum
Firstly, there was a prejudice that dance sport as special extra-curriculum is woman's activity. Secondly, there was a prejudice that dance sport carries only for the lower classes. Thirdly, there is a kind of prejudice that dance sport relates a “dance skin ship” which the student is regarded as uncomfortable.
2) Educational effect through dance sport as special extra-curriculum
Firstly, dance sport includes the educational effect for the whole man. Secondly, dance sport leads the students to express bodily movement creatively. Thirdly, the student can participate in the good leisure activity through dance sport.
Key Words
dancesport, special extra-curriculum, leisure education, elementary school
TheUnderstandingof the Risky Sports Participants’ Exercise Addiction 여가·레크리에이션학 : 험스포츠 참가자의 운동중독에 대한 이해
박선기ParkSun-ki , 심상신ShimSang-Sin
44(3) 681-693, 2005
TheUnderstandingof the Risky Sports Participants’ Exercise Addiction 여가·레크리에이션학 : 험스포츠 참가자의 운동중독에 대한 이해
박선기ParkSun-ki , 심상신ShimSang-Sin
The purpose of this interpretive study was to explore the meaning and process of the exercise addiction, especially for the risky sports participants’ exercise addiction phenomenon utilizing the related literature and relative theories. The exercise addiction was analyzed from both positive and negative sides, suggesting positive involvement in risky sports. To achieve the purpose of this study, 9 individuals were interviewed, who had participated risky sports such as paragliding, mountain bike (MTB), and skin scuba.
In-depth, semi-structured interviews with open-ended questions and an interview guide were used to collect data. The collected data using the phenomenological method of qualitative approach was classified into transcription, symbolization, categorization and subjectivity. The validity and reliability of the study were proved by means a member check, and a specialist meeting to enhance the ethic of the study.
Findings indicated as follows: Firstly, the risky sports participants understand the meaning of the addiction in a particular sport activity, which can be considered as the most talented themselves, improves their ability, and is attractive. And, they identified the meaning of the exercise addiction as a positive and essential factor, leading to a better life through self-discovery. It was also noted that the exercise addiction implies some negative connotations that cause excessive flow in a task, bringing about negative outcomes.
Secondly, the exercise addiction of the risky sports participants was found to be processed as the following order: skill development, pleasure about teaching, and good relationship with other participants. The exercise addiction process consists of 5 phases; starting, beginning, interest, flow, and addiction.
Thirdly, each phase can be classified into perceived risk/constraints and recognition of nature.
Fourthly, the risky sports participants experienced both positive and negative exercise addition.
Key Words
exercise addiction, risky sports
A Review of Leisure Education Models for Elders 여가·레크리에이션학 : 노인을 위한 여가교육 모델의 이론적 고찰
44(3) 695-707, 2005
A Review of Leisure Education Models for Elders 여가·레크리에이션학 : 노인을 위한 여가교육 모델의 이론적 고찰
This study was examined the therapeutic recreation service delivery, outcome model, and leisure education programs based on the models described in an extensive review of related literature. Throughout the last several decades, leisure education models have been used to describe the scope and nature of leisure education programs and therapeutic models. Changes in health and human services require updating our models to accurately reflect current practices. The therapeutic recreation service delivery and outcome models provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary professional therapeutic recreation practice. Leisure education programs were developed by Bullock and Howe and Dunn and Wilhite. These programs were designed to facilitate greater feelings of competence and enhanced participation. The programs allowed elders to take a realistic look at their present repertoire of leisure activities and assess the extent to which they are still meeting their leisure needs. The mail philosophy of these models are individualized to meet the needs of each subject and based on cognitive behavior modification principles with an emphasis on personal responsibility and problem-solving. The participant is at the center of the process from start to finish.
A Study of family Member's Characteristic Participation of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction and Attitude 여가·레크리에이션학 : 가족 구성원의 여가 활동 참여 특성과 여가만족도 및 여가태도에 관한 연구
A Study of family Member's Characteristic Participation of Leisure Activity and Leisure Satisfaction and Attitude 여가·레크리에이션학 : 가족 구성원의 여가 활동 참여 특성과 여가만족도 및 여가태도에 관한 연구
The study of this study was that the analysis of family member's characteristic participation of leisure activity and leisure satisfaction and attitude. The subjects of this study are the students' of M elementary school(grade 4~5/located in Seodaemun) and their parents and was used convenience sampling method. As a questionnaire for this study, I adjusted and utilized the questionnaire having used by Kim, mee-hyang(2004) and developed by Raghed & Beard(1980) for leisure satisfaction scale. I adjusted and utilized the survey used by Kim, Kyung-Tae (1996), So, Min-Sook (2001) and Kim, mee-hyang(2004) for leisure attitude.
In order to analyze the raw data, the statistical methods used in this study were reliability analysis, factor analysis, frequency analysis, multi response analysis, t-test, and regression analysis. The conclusion is as following;
First, there are some differences about participation of leisure activity between family members.
Parents's preference is sports activity, children's are just playing․amusing and the common leisure activities are sightseeing․traveling.
In addition, there is a difference between parents and children; parents said that they would like to participate with their children but their children said that they would like to participate with their friends.
Second, there are differences between leisure satisfaction rate and leisure activity of family members.
The leisure satisfaction rate of children is higher than that of parents' except psychological aspect.
The leisure attitude is divided emotional attitude, cognitive, and behavioral attitude. Rate of parents is higher that of children's in emotional attitude. On the other hand, rate of children is higher than that of parents' in cognitive attitude. and behavioral attitude.
Third, the leisure satisfaction rate affects positively to the leisure behavior of family members.
The satisfaction element affects to the forming of family member's leisure behavior except parent;s' educational satisfaction rate, the facility․environmental one does not affects to the forming of leisure behavior of family members.
And, the satisfaction rate element which affects to the forming of active leisure behavior.
Key Words
family member's, participation of leisure activity, leisure attitude, leisure satisfaction
The Relationships among Type of Leisure Activity, Self-concepts, Leisure Attitude, and Leisure involvement of workers 여가·레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 여가활동유형과 자아개념, 여가태도 및 여가활동 관여도의 관계
44(3) 721-734, 2005
The Relationships among Type of Leisure Activity, Self-concepts, Leisure Attitude, and Leisure involvement of workers 여가·레크리에이션학 : 직장인의 여가활동유형과 자아개념, 여가태도 및 여가활동 관여도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among type of leisure activity, self-concepts, leisure attitude and leisure involvement of office workers. To achieve the purpose of this study, white color workers who were working in a company located in Seoul, were selected as population of this study. After selecting 21 companies by means of stratified cluster random sampling method, 1050 office workers were sampled for this study. A total of 955 subjects were used for employee data analysis.
Instruments used in this study were Self-concepts scale, Leisure Attitude scale, Modified Consumer Involvement Profile. To analyze data, analysis of covariance, correlation and path analysis were conducted.
The results of this study as follows;
First, there is significant difference between type of leisure activity on family, physical, social self-concept.
Second, there is significant difference between type of leisure activity on cognitive, affective, behavioral leisure atttude.
Third, there is significant difference between type of leisure activity on perceived pleasure, importance, self-expression.
Fourth, there is difference in the caused relationship among type of leisure activity, self-concepts, leisure attitude, leisure involvement.
In sport and audiance,spectator, some of self-concept has an indirect effect through cognitive․behavior leisure attitude.
In social activity, some of self-concept has an indirect effect through cognitive leisure attitude. In entertainment, some of self-concept has an indirect effect through affective leisure attitude.
Key Words
type of leisure activity, self-concepts, leisure attitude, involvement
The Study of Leisure Conflict among Skiers and Snowboarders 여가·레크리에이션학 : 스키어와 스노우보더의 여가 갈등 연구
44(3) 735-743, 2005
The Study of Leisure Conflict among Skiers and Snowboarders 여가·레크리에이션학 : 스키어와 스노우보더의 여가 갈등 연구
When visitors with differing views on how to use a recreation resource interact with each other, conflict may occur. Various studies concerning leisure and recreation conflict have been conducted. The purpose of the present study was to investigate leisure conflict on activity type and skill level among skiers and snowboarders. For this study, 500 participants were selected from 2 ski resorts located in Kangwon Province for one month from January 15th to February 15, 2005, using the convenience sampling method. 493 were collected in total. 482 questionnaires with qualified answers used for the data analysis. For the data analysis SPSS 12.0 for Windows version was utilized. The hypothesis tests were conducted with one-way ANOVA, and paired t-test to solve problems of the study.
On the basis of the results, the conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. Skiers and snowboarders report more out-group than in-group leisure conflicts.
2 As self-perceived skill level decreases, in-group leisure conflicts increase for both skier and snowboarder.
3. As self-perceived skill level increases, out-group leisure conflicts increase for both skier and snowboarder.
A Study on the korean-Chinese dancing in View of the Modern Art History 무용학 : 중국 조선민족 무용의 근대 예술사적 고찰
김승일KimSeung-Il , 정영주ZhengYing-Zhu
44(3) 747-758, 2005
A Study on the korean-Chinese dancing in View of the Modern Art History 무용학 : 중국 조선민족 무용의 근대 예술사적 고찰
김승일KimSeung-Il , 정영주ZhengYing-Zhu
The study tried to newly light up the tradition of the art constitution in a socialist state, analyze korean race dancing of China in the art-historical flow and find out the characteristics of modern art history by examining the formation, developmental process and their works of the korean race dancing of China.
First, the formative period was from the time migrated Koreans to 1949. The flow and the propagation of the civil-folk dancing was developed actively in this periods. The dancing of theater art was developed by dancing art of korean race in China and the dancing of stage art was developed by stage art, which was the civil-folk dancing of the korean race.
Second, the developmental period of the korean race dancing in China was from 1949 to 1980. Examining the flow and the change in the developmental period, this art was developed not only as keeping pace with the great flow of the socialist revolution and the establishment of China in a dancing cultural sphere but also as having a characteristic of the korean race of china, based on the traditional culture of their race. Therefore this is the period that the artistic dancing of the korea race leads to its own developmental course.
Third, the peak period of the korean race dancing in China was from 1980 to the present. As the exchange of dancing was frequent in the inside and outside in this period, the acceptable work of the foreign dancing was progressed actively and the developmental area of the korean race dancing culture was established largely.
Accordingly, the professional dancing theory and comments were developed deeply and broadly, and harmonized quantitatively as well as qualitatively in this period. Therefore the formation and contents of the work was understood concretely throughout understanding the historical flow of the korean race dancing of in China and the development of the dancing and the study could play an important role to understand an artistic aspect widely.
Key Words
the korean race dancing in China, dancing history, art-history, an artistic aspect
Female Secondary School Students’ Perceptions Toward a Dance and Dance Classes 무용학 : 여자 중·고등학생의 무용 및 무용수업에 대한 인식
김희정KimHee-Jung , 김승재KimSeung-Jae
44(3) 759-768, 2005
Female Secondary School Students’ Perceptions Toward a Dance and Dance Classes 무용학 : 여자 중·고등학생의 무용 및 무용수업에 대한 인식
김희정KimHee-Jung , 김승재KimSeung-Jae
The purpose of this study was to examine general perception of a dance and dance class to set about a efficient dance instruction. For the purpose surveyed 888 female students from the first and second grade at middle and high school located in Gangwon province using a modified version of questionnaire. The result of the study is described as follow to using collected materials which are descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, ANOVA, t-test and standard multiple regression. First, perception of a dance by a population sociology characteristic, the higher parent's income, an academic background, high school student than middle and a student who live in city, the higher in general perception of dancing. Second, there is a difference perception of dancing by the presence of dancing. The presence of dancing affects the general perception of a dance and dance class. Third, a dance perception by the preference type of dancing, the group which are prefer was high like a korean dance, ballet, and modern dance than a folk dance and the others in general perception and class perception.
Key Words
dance perception, dance class perception
A study on the Mudang Dancing of the Eastern Coast of Korea 무용학 : 宋東淑의 別神굿춤 硏究
44(3) 769-779, 2005
A study on the Mudang Dancing of the Eastern Coast of Korea 무용학 : 宋東淑의 別神굿춤 硏究
Mudang Dancing of the Eastern Coast, a special Mudang Dancing Ritual of a village co-operation has a great deal of popularity with entertainment, is held by uncommon heritage dancing groups, and has more shaman songs than another Mudang Dancing ritual.
This study describes an unique function and aspect of Byeolshin Gud, studies the names and terms of Dancing movement and is going to understand our traditional Mudang Dancing rightly.
The purpose of this study is to reveal our traditional spirit of art by analysing the theolgical, psycholosical and article functions that have Mudang Dancing of Byeolshin Gud. Thus, the result of this examination and study is as follows.
1. Impression and power of persuasion to audiance are more strong than another Dancing. Because the procedure of sacrificial rite of Byeolshin Gud consists of humen being's ardent passion longing for abundance in fishes and health.
2. The characteristics of procedure of sacrificial rite are as follows.
1) Each shaman song is used by similar Dancing Sawee, has more more variety than another province in sort.
2) Shaman songs are danced with Poonuri in the beginning and with Geomu Dancing in the end.
3. The lines of Mudang Dancing are beautiful, delicabe and calm.
4. Graceful Monk Dancing and bara Dancing are danced in Seo Jon Gud and dramatic Mask Dancing is danced in Mask Gud.
5. The result of seeing Byeolshin Gud as the function of Dancing, Mudang Dancing of Byeolshin Gud has been included in shaman art with shaman song, has affected traditional Dancing(Syeung Mu, Bara Dancing), traditional Drama(Ha Hoe Mask drama), and traditional nori thief catching in Seo Jon Gud.
The Effect of Regularly Dance Sports Exercise for 12 weeks on Body Composition and Blood Lipids to middle aged Women 무용학 : 규칙적인 12주간 댄스스포츠 활동이 중년 여성들의 신체구성 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
신선애ShinSeon-Ae , 박경혜ParkKyong-Hea
44(3) 781-789, 2005
The Effect of Regularly Dance Sports Exercise for 12 weeks on Body Composition and Blood Lipids to middle aged Women 무용학 : 규칙적인 12주간 댄스스포츠 활동이 중년 여성들의 신체구성 및 혈중지질에 미치는 영향
신선애ShinSeon-Ae , 박경혜ParkKyong-Hea
The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of regularly dance sports exercise for 12 weeks on body composition and blood lipids to pre-menopausal and post-menopausal women. Subject, fourteen elderly women from 39 to 57 years were subdivided into two groups: the exercise group(n=7), and non-exercise group(n=7). The exercise group was post-menopausal women had not taken any hormone replacement therapy but exercised with dance sports regularly for 12 weeks. The non-exercise group consisted of pre-menopausal women. Anthropometric measurement is to assess body weight, height. abdominal fat ratio and body fat percent based upon Bio-Impedence Body Composition Analysis. Blood samples of 10ml were drawn from antecubital veins. Total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein cholesterol , low density lipoprotein cholesterol , Apo a, Apo b, Lipo and Insulin hormone were extracted from serum. The supervised dance sports program was conducted 3 days a week for 12 weeks. Independence t-test, pair t-test analysis methods were used for this task, and raw data were transformed for the normal distribution.
Conclusions were drawn as follows;
1. There is a significant difference on TG between exercise group of post-menopausal women and non-exercise group of pre-menopausal women.
2 There is a significant difference on body fat percentage between exercise group of postmenopausal women and non-exercise group of pre-menopausal women.
3. There is no significant difference on blood serum in exercise group before their dance sports program and after.
4. There are significant difference on all body- composition variables of the exercise group before dance sports program and after.
In conclusion, the regular dance sports for 12 weeks possibly helps the middle-aged menopausal women improve phsiologically and physically. Particularly, the reduction of body-fat in blood and some positive hormonal changes are more contingent on their longer period of dance sports activities.
Reflections on Finding Hyangdang Folk Dance 무용학 : 안성 향당춤 발굴에 관한 고찰 (경기도 무형문화재 제34호)
44(3) 791-801, 2005
Reflections on Finding Hyangdang Folk Dance 무용학 : 안성 향당춤 발굴에 관한 고찰 (경기도 무형문화재 제34호)
An-Sung which was originally calledNahaehall(the ancient name of An-Sung) inKogooryu Dynasty was altered its name to Beaksunggun byShilla Dynasty and thenAnSungHyun byKoryu Dynasty. Later in 1149, it had the supervisory office.
It is said to beHyangdang whereAn-Sung People got together and discussed their village's any & every thing and hold the agricultural rites. An-SungHyangdang handed its folk custom from generation to generation to be nowadays 20-odd kinds of dances in addition to diverse folk songs. Lee suk Dong(artiste) and You Chung Ja(Kyuggido Human Cultural Assets No.34) inherited some dances done by the prodigals-kisaengs(singing & dancing girls),MuryungDance done in the military ceremonies, folk dances derived from community play. These dances have called Hyangdang Dances after they became the official sports of Kyuggido Intangible Assets through some researches by the Cultural Properties Protection Committee.
Though summary, this paper focuses on the theoretical backgrounds about Hyangdang Dance(An-Sung folk dance) and the forms, contents of various dances. Unfortunately the documentary records and literatures onHyangdang Dance are few, so this paper is mainly based on interviews and on-the-spot surveys.
During the Samil(3․1) Independence Movement, the struggle against Japan in An-Sung was so intense. which was severe third rank through the entire country(Korea) to be the casualties was the heaviest. There exists Mansae Hill which was called originally Yangsung Hill. It is said that the facts the independence movement in Wonkok․Yangsung was one of the three fierce resistances and the firm resolution was made at this Hill were stated clearly on the Japanese court records. So the stuffs and materials in depositories were all burnt down as the result of this movement and the documentary records and literatures on Hyangdang Dance scarcely remains and movement leaders at that time mostly passed away.
This study onAn-Sung Hyangdang Folk Dance gathered stories handed down orally and scattered documentss to get a better research result. We need to understand better, develope further An-SungHyangdang Dance so that we can feel the spirits, tastes of our ancestors. We also need to hand it down to our next generation not to fade away.
Key Words
hyangdang folk dance
The Effects of Age Perception on Physical Self Conception in Elderly 발육·발달학 : 노인의 연령지각이 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
44(3) 805-817, 2005
The Effects of Age Perception on Physical Self Conception in Elderly 발육·발달학 : 노인의 연령지각이 신체적 자기개념에 미치는 영향
This study is for examining closely the relationship within life age, subjective age, ideal age perception and physical self conception as the standard of perceiving about oneself focused on the elderly. The elderly, object of this study, consist of 240 aged men and 59 aged women who take part in playing Gate ball at present. 121 people are the age of 60`s and 178 are in their 70`s. The average age of the ages men is 72.3 and that of the aged women is 67.4. Regression analysis was carried out in order to find out the elderly`s physical self perception according to sex and age level. As a result, first physical perception factor prediction degree of the cause of changing life age is explained significantly that appearances and self respect are the factors for the men in their 60`s, health for the men in their 70`s and whole body for the women between 60`s and 70`s years of age. second, according to sex and age level physical perception predict of the cause of changing subjective age is reported that ability and health are the factors for the men in their 60`s, the whole body, ability, and endurance for the men in their 70`s, health and flexibility for the women in their 60`s and health and body fat for the women in their 70`s. Third, ideal age physical perception predict is explained only that health is factor for the women in the age of 70`s.
Key Words
age perception, physical self conception, elderly
The Effect of 12week’s Isokinetic Exercise on Body Composition and Muscular Function in Elderly Men’s 발육·발달학 : 12주 규칙적인 등속성운동이 남성고령자의 신체조성과 근기능에 미치는 영향
44(3) 819-829, 2005
The Effect of 12week’s Isokinetic Exercise on Body Composition and Muscular Function in Elderly Men’s 발육·발달학 : 12주 규칙적인 등속성운동이 남성고령자의 신체조성과 근기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of isokinetic exercise on elderly men`s body composition and muscular function. For the purpose, subjects 6 old men aged 70 or over who had no experience of exercise program participation, had no problem in using motor functions for daily life and agreed to participate in the study. Those men were asked to participate in isokinetic exercise, whose standards are classified into two sets, 180/sec and 240/sec, for 12 weeks with 2 times a week based.
The results are as follows.
1. The results decrease in the content and ratio of body fat and increase in lean body mass.
2. As far as those surveyed men`s flexor and extensor muscles are concerned, peak torque %BW, total work %BW, average power %BW and H/Q ratio were all increased.
Muscular power training by aged people improved not only their muscular strength, but also their ability of muscular metabolism(Park Ki Yong et al., 2001). Findings of the study showing that regular isokinetic exercise with 2 times a week based is effective in improving the muscular function of old men aged 70 or over are also supported by previous reports that continuous muscular activity prohibits skeletal degeneration.
Key Words
isokinetic exercise, peak torque %BW, total work %BW, average power %BW and H/Q ratio
Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Body Composition of High School Students 발육·발달학 : 고등학생의 체력과 신체구성간의 관계
이창진LeeChang-Jin , 이동옥LeeDong-Ok
44(3) 813-823, 2005
Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Body Composition of High School Students 발육·발달학 : 고등학생의 체력과 신체구성간의 관계
이창진LeeChang-Jin , 이동옥LeeDong-Ok
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation between physical fitness and body composition and to demostrate the relation of canonical correlation analysis. The subjects were 200 male and 201 female students of high school. Body composition was measured by InBody 3.0 of a segmental multifrequency impedance analyzer. The measured items were protein, fat free mass, fat mass, waist hip ratio, body mass index and basal metabolic rate. The right grip strength, back strength, sit-up, trunk flexion, stand long jump, 50m dash, 1200m/1600m run, stork stand and whole body reaction test in physical fitness were measured. The data were analyzed with simple correlation, multiple correlation and canonical correlation using PC SAS release 8.12.
The results were as follow;
1. Among factors of physical fitness, strength(right grip) is the most important factor in physical fitness and body composition in the case of male students.
2 Among factors of body composition, fat free mass is the most important factor in physical fitness and body composition in the case of male students.
3. Among factors of physical fitness, power(stand long jump) is the most important factor in physical fitness and body composition in the case of female students.
4. Among factors of body composition, basal metabolic rate is the most important factor in physical fitness and body composition in the case of female students.
Key Words
canonical correlation analysis, physical fitness, body composition
A Comparative Analysis of blood lactic acid, lactate dehydrogenase, and ammonia during Swimming and Running Training at Same Heart Rate in Modern Pentathlon Athletes 발육·발달학 : 근대5종선수의 수영과 달리기 시 동일 심박수에 따른 혈중젖산·젖산탈수소효소·암모니아의 비교 분석
최재현ChoiJae-Hyun , 양점홍YangJum-Hong
44(3) 843-853, 2005
A Comparative Analysis of blood lactic acid, lactate dehydrogenase, and ammonia during Swimming and Running Training at Same Heart Rate in Modern Pentathlon Athletes 발육·발달학 : 근대5종선수의 수영과 달리기 시 동일 심박수에 따른 혈중젖산·젖산탈수소효소·암모니아의 비교 분석
최재현ChoiJae-Hyun , 양점홍YangJum-Hong
This study has analyzed the changes of blood lactic acid, lactate dehydrogenase and ammonia comparatively at same heart rate between swimming training and running training(continuity training 30min+interval training 3min×5times) for 3days over male modern pentathlon athletes in University(10). Each athlete was adjusted to the same heart rate pace for 5days which was calculated through exercise stress test done to each one of themin advance. 75~80%HRmaxas 30 min continuity training and 90~95% HRmax as 3 min interval training were operated 5 times equally for both swimming and running training.
Data from both swimming and running training were statistically processed through t-test to know any differences in change rate of time sections among of the events, and through one-way ANOVA to determine the validity of time sections within each of the events. For the posttest, Duncan test was employed. Every statistical significance level is set as α=.05. And the study result is as follows.
The blood lactic acid appeared high at every time from both trainings compared to the time of resting. As for the change rate of both trainings, RT right after the training was higher than ST, and RT appeared higher than ST at 20 min and 40 min of recovery.
The lactate dehydrogenase appeared high at every time from both trainings compared to the time of resting. As for the change rate of both trainings, RTright after the training was higher than ST, and RTappeared higher than STat 20 min and 40 min of recovery.
As for the ammonia, it appeared higher right after exercise and at 20 min of recovery comparing to the time of resting from both trainings and there was no difference at 40 min of recovery. As for the change rate per training, RT right after exercise was higher than STand there was no difference at 20 min and 40 min of recovery.
Key Words
blood lactic acid, lactate dehydrogenase, ammonia, swimming, running, modern pentathlon
Daily Ambulation Activity and its Relationship with Bone Parameter in Community-Dwelling Elderly 운동생리학 : 고령자의 일상 보행활동이 골 파라미터에 미치는 영향
In this longitudinal study, measurement of osteo sono index (OSI) of the calcaneus were used as indications of bone quality in community-dwelling elderly. To investigate the possibility of using number of steps walked as an indicator of the role played by physical activity on bone quality, we studied the relationship between OSI and the daily ambulation activity. The subjects were 173 community-dwelling elderly aged 65 or above. Daily walking steps were recorded using a pedometer attached the accelerometer for an year outcome measure of physical activity. The daily steps per day of normal and osteopenia group significantly higher (p<0.05) than osteoporotic group. In elderly male, the subjects who have weight-bearing exercise habits had significantly higher (p<0.05) OSI level. In contrast, weight-bearing exercise habits is no relationship with OSI in elderly women. However, there were higher positive relationship (r=0.51, p<0.05) in women. The daily steps per day may be suitable for evaluating the relationship between ultrasonic bone parameter and physical activity in elderly. Not only the daily ambulation activity, but the presence of exercise habit at present and strength of exercise might influence OSI in male. In contrast, the daily ambulation activity of over 7,500 step is helpful to prevent age-related bone loss in elderly women.
Key Words
daily ambulation activity, OSI, osteoporosis, fall